Field Notes

<--2014-10-02 09:15:00 | 2014-10-16 09:00:00-->
Other sites visited today: Twitchell Alfalfa | East End | West Pond | Sherman Island | Mayberry
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Twitchell Rice: 2014-10-09 00:00:00 (DOY 282)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Others: Patty

Summary: Field disked, reflood next week, rice again next year, failed tipping bucket test, camera was off - fixed maybe.

Twitchell Rice

I arrived about 10:50 with Patty. It was clear, sunny and warm with a nice breeze. The field has been disked but was not chopped (mowed) so there is still some standing rice. Bruce stopped by. He said they will disk the field again before starting to flood it next week. Not chopping the field saves some money and disking the field in the fall should reduce the work in the spring. Yes, seems they will plant rice again next year. Bryan was asking for another 300 acres of rice. They will make a profit on the rice this year partly due to bird control. Likely they will fly on the seed next year by helicopter.

All was well at the tower.
The 7500 read: 411.4ppm CO2, 570mmol/m3 H2O, 85 SS, 24.2C, 101.76kPa
The 7700 read: 1.84ppm CH4, 40.0RSSI – 67 after cleaning and spider web removal.

I started a tipping bucket test at 10:50PDT but the tipper was jammed by a spider web so it wasn’t tipping at first. The data will need to be cleaned.

There were lots of wasps in the data logger box but most left after leaving the door open for a while. I tried to plug the holes in the bottom.

The camera was off. I had problems getting it to turn back on and after wiggling wires it wouldn’t turn on. I tightened all the wire terminal screws and it turned on again.

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6 sets found

12 TW_met graphs found

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Explore the graph:Twitchell CH4 in a new window

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Explore the graph:Twitchel Rice Flux Counts in a new window

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1 TW_cam graphs found

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