Equipment and Calibration History

History for Campbell Sci. CR6 2115

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
6464 2023-11-07 Loaned none Returned Lab none Returned from Yuankun Xu (Roland Burgmann Lab) and Yifang Cheng at the conclusion of their field project at the Slumgullion Landslide site in Colorado.
6381 2023-08-22 Lab none Loaned Loaned none Loaned to Yuankun Xu (Roland Burgmann Lab) and Yifang Cheng (Berkeley Seismo Lab) for use at Slumgullion Landslide site in Colorado for about one month mid-Sept to mid-Oct. Loaned with sonics sn 152603 and 153804 and CR6 sn 2114.
5859 2022-04-25 Lab none Installed Bouldin Alfalfa-ADEX Data Logger Edge Flux Installed on the Edge tower to collect 20Hz data from the lower sonic and 10sec data from the two RH/Temp sensors for the advection experiment at BA
5813 2022-04-22 Lab none Maintenance Lab none The internal lithium battery was low <1V. I replaced it with a new Lithium 3.6V AA battery.
5798 2021-11-05 Bouldin Alfalfa-ADEX Data Logger Upwind Removed Lab none Removed from BA bouncer tower at the conclusion of this summer's advection setup.
5383 2021-07-20 Lab none Installed Bouldin Alfalfa-ADEX Data Logger Bouncer Flux Installed as part of the upwind tower for the advection experiment. It was installed at the tripod tower 283m northwest of the main tower to collect data from two sonics and fine wire TC.
3714 2018-09-28 Lab none Upgrade Lab none Upgraded OS from CR6.Std.07.02 to CR6.Std.08.00. After upgrading the OS, I used the "Network Services" tab to enable FTP with the username tower and the usual password.
3313 2018-02-01 Lab none Upgrade Lab none Upgraded OS from CR6.Std.03 to CR6.Std.07.02. The older OS has a known issue where the CR6 is unresponsive until the internal lithium battery is removed and reinstalled. This new O.S. CR6.Std.07.02 requires updating your computer USB drivers using Device Config Utility 2.16 (or newer). I updated Device Config Utility on my computer from version 2.10 to 2.16. In the "Send OS" tab in Device Config Utility, the first step provides a link to update USB drivers. After upgrading the OS, I used the "Network Services" tab to enable FTP with the username tower and the usual password.
3091 2017-09-26 East End-Temp2 Data Logger Removed Lab none Brought back to the lab with the decommissioning of the East End closed canopy temporary tower 2
2863 2017-06-14 Lab none Installed East End-Temp2 Data Logger Installed on the East End Temporary Tower #2 Closed Canpoy location with the initial tower set up.
2477 2016-10-06 Twitchell Rice Removed Lab none Removed from the Golden Radiometer experiment at Twtichell Rice.
2467 2016-09-22 Lab none Installed Twitchell Rice Installed on an independent tripod at Twitchell Rice. This is part of a "golden" radiometers experiment to compare incoming PAR and SW across the delta
2454 2016-09-13 Tonzi-Tower Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi tower were it collected data from Eosence CO2 profile experiment
2319 2016-06-16 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Tower Installed to collect data from Eosense CO2 probes being tested for CO2 profile.
1964 2015-08-21 Factory Calibration Factory Initial factory calibration. Recommended interval: 3 years of service.