Equipment and Calibration History

History for Forerunner-Eosense eosFD FD20190027

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
6795 2024-05-15 Lab none Installed Tonzi-SoilCO2 Forced Diffusion Open Installed 1.5m to the west of the original location with a longer cable to the OSU box.
6722 2024-05-08 Tonzi-SoilCO2 Forced Diffusion Open Removed Lab none Removed from the Open location at Tonzi. Cows ate all the power infrastructure and its cable might be slightly chewed.
6212 2023-03-01 Lab none Installed Tonzi-SoilCO2 Forced Diffusion Open Installed in the open location fresh from factory repair.
6201 2023-02-28 Factory none Returned Lab none Returned after repair at Eosense: CO2 sensor replaced, concentration calibration and flux calibration.
6200 2022-08-23 Lab none Shipped Factory none Shipped to Eosense on RMA220809 for repair
5926 2022-08-03 Lab none Tested Lab none I did two performance tests on this chamber. The CO2 for bother chambers is reading negative -200 to -300 ppm. I tried to reset it to 400ppm but it didn't seem to work.
5925 2022-07-19 Tonzi-SoilCO2 Forced Diffusion Open Removed Lab none It was reading mostly zeros (with large positive and negative spikes) in the last few weeks, so it was removed and brought back to the lab for testing.
5445 2021-09-01 Lab none Installed Tonzi-SoilCO2 Forced Diffusion Open Installed at Tonzi-SoilCO2 to replace sn FD20180026 for testing it the lab and possible repair.
5403 2021-08-04 Lab none Maintenance Lab none This chamber was removed from the Mayberry boom because its readings looked bad. In the lab I cleaned it up. There are what look like tooth or claw marks on most of the filter windows but no breaks. The initial performance check had the first of the five measurement way off which skewed everything, but its concentrations were about -140ppm. I reset the concentrations to 400ppm and did a second performance check. The second check was much better:
Average Flux: -0.1, 0.05 STDEV
Average ATM: 378.1ppm, 32.0C
Average Soil: 374.8ppm, 32.0C
I reset the baseline CO2 concentration to 400ppm again.
I think this chamber can be swapped back into the field as needed.
5401 2021-07-21 Mayberry Forced Diffusion Boom Removed Lab none Removed from Mayberry because the numbers looked bad. Replaced by sn FD20180047.
4718 2020-08-28 Lab none Installed Mayberry none Installed on MB floating boom with a long black collar
5375 2020-08-11 Mayberry Removed Lab none Removed from MB for a thorough cleaning
4495 2020-05-21 Lab none Installed Mayberry none Installed on the Mayberry floating boom.