Equipment and Calibration History

History for Fabricated BB-Fab BB-EE

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
4851 2020-10-05 East End Battery Bank Replaced East End Battery Bank Replaced old battery bank with 4 brand-new sealed AGM batteries. The terminals have been sprayed with anti-corrosion grease.
4798 2020-09-29 East End Battery Bank Maintenance East End Battery Bank Five remaining batteries disconnected and left resting for most of the day. Water levels were okay but all tested weak to dead. The system is running on one new battery for the time being.
4741 2020-09-10 East End Battery Bank Maintenance East End Battery Bank Losing power in the predawn. A lot of wet corrosion on positive leads. Removed one weak battery from the bank. Now running on five. Water levels looked okay.
2317 2016-03-24 East End Battery Bank Upgrade East End Battery Bank I swapped the batteries on the solar system. Four old batteries were removed and six new group 27 deep cycle flooded batteries were installed. Five of the new batteries have a date of 2/16 and one is 1/16.
2316 2016-03-08 East End Battery Bank Maintenance East End Battery Bank I disconnected all the batteries and tested them individually. One of the older ones was warm to the touch and completely failed the load test. One of the batteries I added on 2015-11-20 also failed the load test. I removed these two batteries from the bank.
2218 2015-12-08 East End Battery Bank Upgrade East End Battery Bank A third solar panel was added to this solar system.
2217 2015-11-20 East End Battery Bank Upgrade East End Battery Bank I added the two batteries recently removed from Alfalfa. These two batteries had Jan 2012 stickers and tested okay in the lab. I charged them up in the lab before taking them to the field. The other four batteries at East End also had Jan 2012 stickers and I think the two I added were originally at this tower or the Corn tower before.
2216 2014-03-07 East End Battery Bank Moved East End Battery Bank The battery bank and solar panels were moved from the south side of the tower to a new scaffolding to the south of the tower.
2215 2013-11-25 DWR Corn Battery Bank Installed East End Battery Bank This is the initial installation of this battery bank for the East End Tower. Four batteries were brought from the DWR Corn Construction tower and installed at this tower. The batteries are on a boardwalk on the ground next to the tower and will be moved to secondary scaffolding later.