Rec No. | Date | Loc From | Title | Loc To | Notes |
6025 |
2022-10-05 |
Tonzi-SoilCO2 CO2 Probe Tree1 Profile -0.08 |
Removed |
Lab none |
The soil co2 gradient system has not been in good condition for a long time. Finally getting around to removing the equipment from the field: Tree1 -8cm |
3060 |
2017-09-14 |
Lab none |
Installed |
Tonzi CO2 Probe Tree1 Profile -0.08 |
Installed at Tonzi in the Tree 1 profile at -8cm after lab calibration. Using old tube at -8cm. |
3014 |
2017-08-25 |
Tonzi CO2 Probe Tree1 Profile -0.08 |
Removed |
Lab none |
Removed from Tonzi Tree 1 profile at -4 or -8 cm position for calibration. Probe labeled 8. |
2193 |
2016-02-23 |
Lab none |
Installed |
Tonzi CO2 Probe Tree1 Profile -0.08 |
Installed in the Tonzi Tree 1 profile at -8cm after lab calibration. |
2162 |
2016-02-04 |
Tonzi CO2 Probe Tree1 Profile -0.08 |
Removed |
Lab none |
Removed from Tonzi Tree profile at -8cm for calibration |
2075 |
2014-12-09 |
Tonzi CO2 Probe Tree1 Profile -0.08 |
Location |
Tonzi CO2 Probe Tree1 Profile -0.08 |
Tonzi Tree1 profile at -8cm |
1813 |
2014-08-07 |
Sherman Island |
Removed |
Lab none |
Removed with the rest of the soil CO2 system from the Sherman site to be redeployed at the Alfalfa site on Twitchell |
1995 |
2014-01-29 |
Lab none |
Installed |
Tonzi CO2 Probe Tree1 Profile -0.08 |
Installed at Tonzi in the Tree 1 profile at -8cm with new U-shaped tops on the PVC enclosures |
1424 |
2014-01-27 |
Lab none |
Calibration |
Lab none |
Trueppm = Probeppm*0.9924 + -154.6; linear relationship between the ppm reported by the probe and the known ppm of the calibration tanks. Tanks: zero air (0ppm), 3056ppm, and 10000ppm. Ta=22.7C, P=102.1kPa. Because the lab conditions were close to factory conditions, no temperature or pressure corrections were applied. Done by: Patty. |
2083 |
2014-01-23 |
Sherman Island |
Location |
Sherman Island |
Sherman Profile B -2cm |
1394 |
2011-12-13 |
Lab none |
Calibration |
Lab none |
Trueppm = Probeppm*1.026 + -13.15; linear relationship between the ppm reported by the probe and the known ppm of the calibration tanks. Tanks: zero air (0ppm), 406ppm, 2238ppm, and 10000ppm (N2 bal). Ta=24.6C, P=101.7kPa. Because the lab conditions were close to factory conditions, no temperature or pressure corrections were applied. Done by: Sara. |
1387 |
2011-10-06 |
Lab none |
Calibration |
Lab none |
Trueppm = Probeppm*1.011 + -52.12; linear relationship between the ppm reported by the probe and the known ppm of the calibration tanks. Tanks: zero air (0ppm), 406ppm, 2238ppm, and 10000ppm (N2 bal). Ta=26.2C, P=101.4kPa. Because the lab conditions were close to factory conditions, no temperature or pressure corrections were applied. Done by: Sara. |
1376 |
2011-02-07 |
Lab none |
Calibration |
Lab none |
Trueppm = Probeppm*1.023 + 34.36; linear relationship between the ppm reported by the probe and the known ppm of the calibration tanks. Tanks: zero air (0ppm), 597ppm, 2238ppm, and 10000ppm (N2 bal). Ta=25.8C, P=102.5kPa. Because the lab conditions were close to factory conditions, no temperature or pressure corrections were applied. Done by: Melanie. |