Field Notes
<--2013-01-03 09:00:00 | 2013-01-30 10:35:00-->Other sites visited today: Sherman Island | Mayberry | Twitchell Rice | DWR Corn
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West Pond: 2013-01-17 14:00:00 (DOY 17)
Author: Cove Sturtevant
Others: Dennis, Sara
Summary: Installed water CO2 sensor. Ice layer still present at 14:00! All well.
West Pond
2013-01-17 We arrived around 14:00 PST. It was sunny and nice (~15 °C) with very mild breeze. The inlet was at a strong flow and the water below the tower was normal. The site remains very senescent with a lot fallen thatch. We downloaded data and cleaned the flux and radiation instruments. Sara installed a 3% CO2 sensor (s/n H1310008) 10 cm below the water surface and 78 cm below the top of the post. The DO sensor was also at 10 cm below the water surface. New program uploaded. To all of our surprise, while Dennis was gathering water samples he noted about ½ cm of ice still on the surface in the west pier! 7500 readings: CO2 = 426 ppm (444 after cleaning) H2O = 351 mmol m-3 (326 after cleaning) agc = 8.6 (new format, 6.8 after cleaning) p = 102.3 kPa 7700 readings: CH4 = 2.36 ppm RSSI =39.7, bumped to 85 after cleaning MET looked good. |
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