Field Notes
<--2011-11-02 07:00:00 | 2011-11-16 08:00:00-->Other sites visited today: Sherman Island | Mayberry
Phenocam link: Searching...
Twitchell Rice: 2011-11-08 09:15:00 (DOY 312)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Others: Jaclyn, Sara
Summary: LGR filter blocked and cleared of condensation, Beginning to flood field.
2011-11-08 I arrived about 9:15PST with Jaclyn and Sara. It was clear, sunny and cool with little to no wind. They have begun to flood the field probably on Sunday. The north check has some water on it but it has not reached our check yet. There are huge flocks of black birds around and we saw a few cranes in our field. Jim has replaced the power line to the generator and all was running. The LGR are very low pressure (59Torr). There was condensation in the tube near the external 2um filter and the filter was almost completely plugged. I blew the filter clear with the cal gas and back flowed some of the gas upstream of the filter. This improved the LGR readings to: 8:22PST-1, 30.62C, 115.58Torr, 14.386usec, 10Hz, 2.641ppm I adjusted the bypass valve to bring the pressure up to 150.42Torr. We copied data and swapped cards. There is bird poop all over the plantcam. Jaclyn cleaned the radiometers. |
9 photos found
20111108TW_FloodedNorthCheck.jpg ( 2011-11-08 11:02:21 ) Full size: 4000x3000
Flooded fallow rice paddy
20111108TW_SandhillCranes.jpg ( 2011-11-08 10:44:05 ) Full size: 4000x3000
Sand hill cranes on the fallow rice field
TW_plantcam_20111108_1130.jpg ( 2011-11-08 11:30:00 ) Full size: 2560x1920
UC Davis on site.
TW_plantcam_20111109_1430.jpg ( 2011-11-09 14:30:00 ) Full size: 2560x1920
Field flooding 1
TW_plantcam_20111109_1500.jpg ( 2011-11-09 15:00:00 ) Full size: 2560x1920
Field flooding 2
TW_plantcam_20111109_1530.jpg ( 2011-11-09 15:30:00 ) Full size: 2560x1920
Field flooding 3
TW_plantcam_20111109_1600.jpg ( 2011-11-09 16:00:00 ) Full size: 2560x1920
Field flooding 4
TW_plantcam_20111109_1630.jpg ( 2011-11-09 16:30:00 ) Full size: 2560x1920
Field flooding 5
TW_plantcam_20111109_1700.jpg ( 2011-11-09 17:00:00 ) Full size: 2560x1920
Field flooding 6
6 sets found
12 TW_met graphs found
5 TW_flux graphs found
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