Field Notes

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Phenocam link: hillslough 2024/08/30

Hill Slough: 2024-08-30 08:45:00 (DOY 243)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Others: Daphne

Summary: Standard fieldwork, No water at low tide, remounted EXO to hang horizontally, Rad boom needs locking washer

Hill Slough

Daphne and I arrived at 8:45 PST. It was clear and sunny but windy and cool, I'm glad I brought a second layer. The clumps of tule along the boardwalk seem a little bigger, but not a huge change in vegetation this year. Water level was 3.60ft at 8:50 PST very near low tide. In fact I'm not sure this isn't just ponding in the nearly filled in channel. Our water sensors were blowing in the wind.

Daphne wanted to remove the pH probe from the EXO since being out of the water for extended periods could damage it, but she forgot to bring the plug to seal the port after the probe was removed. We had to leave the pH probe for now, but we remounted the EXO so that it hangs horizontally just above the mud. Hopefully this will keep it wet for longer periods. The yellow plastic chain is attached to the probe guard and the hooks on the power/data cable hold the other end. I'm a little worried that this will put pressure in the plastic threads of the probe guard and damage them. We need a secondary attachment point going forward.

At the tower I topped off the wash reservoir and cleaned the eddy and radiometers. The leading edges of the spars are very dirty - all that wind. I tightened the nuts on the radiometer boom pin. We need a big lock washer to help keep these tight I think.

Daphne collected the flux, met and camera data.
The 7500 read: 405ppm CO2, 620mmol/m3 H2O, 20.5C, 101.8kPa, 101SS - 102 after cleaning
The 7700 read: 2.0ppm CH4, 43RSSI - 90 after cleaning

Daphne measured the salinity
Pore water, 6.87mS, 19.9C
Surface, 6.64mS, 22.0C, In the puddle left in the channel, unusually similar but maybe pore water leaking into the channel

Daphne collected the miniDOT data and swapped its desiccant.

We left at 9:20 PST

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4 sets found

20 HS_met graphs found

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