Field Notes
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Gilbert Tract: 2024-07-22 07:00:00 (DOY 204)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Dennis
Summary: Field trip with Antioch High School, regular data collection/cleaning, deployed bird recorder, swapped 7500 for calibration
2024-07-22 Gilbert Tract Dennis and I arrived at 7:00 PST (8:00 PDT). It was mild and sunny with a light breeze. Today we hosted a field trip for 6 students from Antioch HS who are currently summer interns at the Contra Costa Water District. The students are part of the “Biotech Academy” program at their high school. We had a classroom visit earlier this year, and today was a follow up field trip. Together we measured the surface water conductivity at the channel and near the tower. I dug up some proto-peat off of the boardwalk. Some of the students also took some soil cores near the tower so we could compare the two types of soil. One of the soil cores from had a live worm. Three of the students will visit us in the lab on Wednesday. Dennis went to go drop some of the students off in town at the Raley’s, and I started our regular servicing around 8:55 PST (9:55 PDT). I downloaded met, cam, and USB GHG data. The wash reservoir was full, so I did not refill it. I cleaned flux and rad sensors. I deployed the Song Meter Micro with new lithium batteries. I synched the time and location with my phone via app. I didn’t put in a desiccant pack since Dennis had the blue bag in the car. I’ll be back tomorrow to meet with USGS. I swapped the 7500 for calibration: sn 75H-2514 came off and sn 75H-2176 went on. I uploaded a new config file, updated the pressure coefficients, and changed the eddy clock +2min from 9:13 to 9:15 PST to match the laptop time. I restarted logging and all looked ok. I measured the surface water conductivity. The staff gauge read 67cm at 9:27 PST. Sample, temperature-compensated conductivity, temperature Surface, 368.5 uS, 23.7 C old 75H-2514 read: 432ppm CO2, 860mmol/m3 H2O, 25.4C, 100.96kPa, 98SS clean 75H-2514 read: 430ppm CO2, 819mmol/m3 H2O, 25.4C, 101.0kPa, 99SS fresh 75H-2176 read: 423ppm CO2, 885mmol/m3 H2O, 24.9C, 101.1kPa, 100.3SS 7700 read: 2.19ppm CH4, 41RSSI – 84 after cleaning I didn’t go to the channel today to download the ADCP. I downloaded it last week. Next download in 2 weeks should be ok. Dennis picked me up around 9:40 PST (10:40 PDT). |
0 photos found
8 sets found
Can't check MBWPEESWGT_mixed
Can't check MBEEWPSWEPGT_cam
16 GT_met graphs found
4 GT_flux graphs found
3 GT_adcp graphs found
1 GT_cam graphs found
2 GT_usgs graphs found
No data found for GT_chanexo.