Field Notes
<--2021-05-18 15:40:00 | 2021-05-26 15:00:00-->Phenocam link: Searching...
Sherman Wetland: 2021-05-25 09:30:00 (DOY 145)
Author: Ariane Arias-Ortiz
Others: Camilo
Summary: collected porewater samples for hotspot experiment
Camilo and I arrived at 9.30 am. It was a windy and sunny day. The water level at the wetland was at 98 cm, higher than during our previous hotspot sampling campaigns. We started at the hotspot location and sampled standing water and porewaters for CH4, DIC and nutrients at 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 cm. We also took conductivity measurements with a handheld YSI at each depth. We buried a minidot sn 931528 at 5 cm while we were sampling and took an additional soil core for DBD measurements. Sampling at the hotspot took us about 3 hours, then we moved to the open water location. An animal (otter?) had chewed on the installed sedpoints so we had to install new ones at 5, 10, 20 and 30 cm depth. Here, we took samples at the surface and along these depths since we could not push the sedpoints deeper than 30 cm due to the hard and compacted nature of the soil. We also took conductivity measurements and buried the minidot at 5 cm. Bryan visited the wetland in the late afternoon and Camilo showed him the hotspot location. We left at around 5.30 pm, before that, Camilo downloaded data from the LGR. The LGR software was still frozen. |
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