Field Notes
<--2020-05-19 13:15:00 | 2020-06-09 08:30:00-->Other sites visited today: Sherman Barn | East End | Bouldin Corn | Bouldin Alfalfa | Mayberry
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West Pond: 2020-05-29 09:00:00 (DOY 150)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Summary: Calibrated conductivity, temporarily fixed leaks in 7700 wash tubing, cleaned camera window
West Pond 2020-05-29 I arrived at West Pond at 9:00. The gate to the ponds was open, no goats to be seen. It was sunny with high thin clouds and a strong gusty west wind. The water level was 25cm and the inlet was not running. The top of the conductivity sensor sn 6096 was out of the water. I pulled it up and dunked it in the calibration solutions. In DI water it read 0.00mS and 20.9C, in the 10mS YSI solution it read 10.3mS and 23.0C. I put it back so that it was completely submerged in a shallow puddle. I noticed that the 7700 wash reservoir was about half empty. I checked the RSSI and it was about 20. I manually tested the spray and discovered several leaks in the tubing near the corner of the scaffolding. I taped up the leaks and was able to complete a manual spray and spin ending in an RSSI of 45. I then cleaned the mirrors by hand and got an RSSI of 74. I refilled the wash reservoir. We need to replace the tubing next time out. I also cleaned the camera window inside and out and restarted the camera. I left at about 9:45 |
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