Field Notes

<--2019-10-02 14:40:00 | 2019-10-31 09:20:00-->
Other sites visited today: East End | East Pond | West Pond | Mayberry | Sherman Wetland

Sherman Barn: 2019-10-16 09:25:00 (DOY 289)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Alex

Summary: Regular data collection/cleaning, spectral

Sherman Barn

Alex and I arrived at 9:25. It was a breezy, cool, and mostly overcast sky with altocumulus clouds to the south and high cirrus and stratus clouds to the north. There were cows far north of the tower. The grass around the exclosure was mostly brown and short.

Alex took spectral measurements. I downloaded met, camera, USB GHG, and game cam data. I had to reset the game cam clock. The wash reservoir was mostly full; we topped it off. The AirT data had spikes previously, but looks ok now.

LI-7500 readings:
CO2 430ppm
H2O 616ppm
T 14.6C
P 101.7kPa
SS 100--> 103 after cleaning
LI7700 readings:
CH4 2.06ppm
RSSI 39-->76 after cleaning

We left at 9:45.

1 photos found

Nice sunset
shermanbarn_2019_10_16_171506.jpg ( 2019-10-16 17:30:34 ) Full size: 1296x960
Nice sunset

Graphs display:
3 sets found

4 SB_flux graphs found

Explore the graph:LI-7500 CO2 and H2O in a new window

Explore the graph:Wind in a new window

Explore the graph:Counts in a new window

Explore the graph:LI7700 CH4 and RSSI in a new window

15 SB_met graphs found

Explore the graph:Soil Heat Flux in a new window

Explore the graph:Temperature in a new window

Explore the graph:Air Pressure and RH in a new window

Explore the graph:Soil Moisture in a new window

Explore the graph:PAR in a new window

Explore the graph:NDVI channels in a new window

Explore the graph:PRI channels in a new window

Explore the graph:Solar Radiation in a new window

Explore the graph:SRS NDVI and PRI in a new window

Explore the graph:Thermocouple Set A in a new window

Explore the graph:Thermocouple Set B in a new window

Explore the graph:Thermocouple Set C in a new window

Explore the graph:Battery Voltage in a new window

Explore the graph:Water Level in a new window

Explore the graph:Counts from Motion Sensor in a new window

Can't check TATWBABCSB_cam