Field Notes
<--2018-10-11 10:10:00 | 2018-10-25 12:40:00-->Other sites visited today: Bouldin Corn | Bouldin Alfalfa | East Pond | East End | Sherman Wetland | Mayberry | Sherman Barn
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West Pond: 2018-10-18 11:20:00 (DOY 291)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Others: Daphne, Kyle
Summary: Standard data collection, water level low but inlet running.
West Pond 2018-10-18 I arrived at 11:20 with Daphne and Kyle. It was warm and sunny with little to no wind. The inlet was running at a lower than normal flow and the water level was pretty low. The water level was 28cm. The vegetation is a little brown at the tips. The 7500 read: 413ppm CO2, 502mmol/m3 H2O, 21.6C, 102.1kPa, 97SS – 100 after cleaning The 7700 read: 2.13ppm CH4, 61RSSI – 73 after cleaning. The wash reservoir was full. We left at 11:32 |
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