Field Notes
<--2017-07-03 15:25:00 | 2017-07-12 10:50:00-->Phenocam link: Searching...
Sherman Wetland: 2017-07-07 10:36:00 (DOY 188)
Author: Patty Oikawa
Others: Max Burnham
Summary: Hooked up big pump to LGR
Visited LGR to check on specs and swap small pump (~2 L/Min) for larger pump. Installed cole-parmer rotometer to control flow through the LGR at 12 L/min. Pressure on LGR was stable after pump installment. We also added conduit to the last bit of wire that was exposed along the levee. LGR Specs: gas temp 44.80C Gas Pressure 119.76 Torr Laser response time: 12.89microsec [CO2]=433.91ppm D13C= -8.23 per mil D18O = 36.88 per mil [H2O] = 637.5 ppm |
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4 SW_flux graphs found
Can't check SW_Temp
14 SW_Temp graphs found
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