Field Notes
<--2016-11-21 09:15:00 | 2016-12-21 12:30:00-->Other sites visited today: Sherman Wetland | Mayberry | Twitchell Alfalfa | Twitchell Rice | West Pond
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East End: 2016-12-06 13:30:00 (DOY 341)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Others: Dennis, Sam, Daphne, Jorge Perez
Summary: Cold and windy, standard data collection, checked on computer - some problem auto collecting from CR1000
East End I arrived about 13:30 with Dennis, Sam, Daphne and Jorge Perez. It was cold, breezy and gray. No change in site conditions here. There are some patches of tules that are still green along the levee road. The 7500 read: CO2 413.3ppm H2O 379.3mmol/m T 13.3C P 101.7kPa SS 100.3 --> 101.9 The 7700 read: CH4 1.95ppm RSSI 64 --> 89.2 The wash reservoir was refilled. The computer was running but it was not collecting the data from the CR1000 for some reason. I tried to install a program called caffeine that feeds a key stroke to Windows once a minute to keep it awake, but it would not run on the Compute Stick even though it ran on my desktop just fine. So no changes in computer system. The radiometers and tipping bucket? were cleaned. |
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