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<--2015-07-20 09:45:00 | 2015-08-06 12:00:00-->Other sites visited today: East End | Twitchell Rice | Twitchell Alfalfa | Mayberry
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West Pond: 2015-07-22 13:43:00 (DOY 203)
Author: Patty Oikawa
Others: Sara, Noah Amme
Summary: 7700 tubing needs swapping, all else looked good
We arrived at 1:43pm. Inlet was on, water level looked normal. Sara and Noah cleaned sensors—there was a spider web in the 7700. I downloaded data. Next time: swap out tubing on 7700—it is cracking. Reservoir was almost empty, we re-filled it. 7500 CO2: 382 umol/mol (same after cleaning) H2O: 569 mmol/m3 (603 after cleaning) SS: 87% (87 after cleaning) Pressure: 100.53 kPa Temperature: 25.7 ˚C SOS: 349.6 m s-1 7700 CH4: 1.92ppm (1.9 after cleaning) RSSI: 58.6 % (72 after cleaning) Met: OK |
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