Field Notes
<--2014-02-25 16:50:00 | 2014-03-13 14:00:00-->Other sites visited today: Sherman Island | East End | Twitchell Alfalfa | Twitchell Rice | Mayberry
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West Pond: 2014-03-07 13:35:00 (DOY 66)
Author: Cove Sturtevant
Others: Sara, Joe
Summary: Updated 7500A/7700 firmware. Updated 7700 firmware and calibrated.
West Pond 2014-03-07 We arrived around 13:35 PST. It was sunny, windy, and warm. The site remains senescent, with the very rare green tule poking through the thatch. The inlet wasn’t running but the water under the tower was good. We updated the 7500A/7550 firmware (downloaded GHG first), updated the 7700 firmware, and calibrated the 7700 (sn TG1-0223). 7500 readings: CO2 = 393 ppm (400 after cleaning) H2O = 433 mmol m-3 (445 after cleaning) signal strength = 95.3% (96.3% after cleaning) t = 19.7 C p = 102.1 kPa sos = 346 m s-1 7700 readings: CH4 = 1.91 ppm (1.92 after cleaning and calibration) RSSI = 29% (84% after cleaning) Reservoir was ¾ empty. Refilled. Met looked good. |
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