Equipment and Calibration History

History for PME miniDOT-usb 931528

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
6016 2022-10-05 Lab none Installed Hill Slough DO Sensor Installed after cleaning and measurement check in the lab.
6006 2022-09-29 Hill Slough DO Sensor Removed Lab none Removed from the HS channel and brought back to the lab for cleaning. There are calcareous deposits (some sort of encrusting worm) on and around the sensing foil. I soaked it in distilled white vinegar for 3 days. The deposits came off easily with a soft toothbrush. I rinsed the sensor well under DI water.
5603 2021-12-02 Lab none Installed Hill Slough DO Sensor I reinstalled the MiniDot that we removed yesterday due to dead batteries.
5618 2021-12-01 Hill Slough DO Sensor Removed Lab none Removed from HS and brought back to the lab to swap its batteries.
5557 2021-11-04 Lab none Installed Hill Slough DO Sensor Installed on a yellow chain near the SW corner of the platform. I think the sensor window is about 10cm above the ground
5156 2021-02-26 Mayberry Removed Lab none Removed from MB wetland, where it was buried in the mud, and brought back to the lab to download its data
5155 2020-05-29 Lab none Installed Mayberry none Buried in the mud at 30 cm at the 0.5 footprint site at Mayberry
4340 2020-01-30 East Pond DO Sensor Removed Lab Heat Flux Plate B Removed with the decommissioning of the EP tower and bought back to the lab.
3406 2018-04-17 Lab none Installed East Pond DO Sensor Installed at EP tower as part of initial site set up. Hung off of the west end of the tower.