Equipment and Calibration History

History for Onset U24-002-C 11020258

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
4043 2019-08-07 East Pond Conductivity Sensor Removed Lab none Removed from EP and brought back to the lab for testing. I haven't been able to connect to it through the HOBOware software for a while.
3435 2018-04-24 Lab none Installed East Pond Conductivity Sensor Installed at East Pond as part of the initial setup.
3137 2017-09-26 East End-Temp2 Conductivity Sensor Removed Lab none Removed from East End Temporary Tower 2 - Closed Canopy with the decommissioning of the tower.
3248 2017-09-13 East End Conductivity Sensor Moved East End-Temp2 Conductivity Sensor Moved from the Permanent Tower to the T2 Closed Canopy Temporary Tower
3251 2017-08-02 East End-Temp3 Conductivity Sensor Moved East End Conductivity Sensor The Hobo conductivity sensor was moved with the miniDOT from the T3 Boardwalk Temporary Tower to the Permanent Tower.
2884 2017-06-23 Lab none Installed East End-Temp3 Conductivity Sensor Installed at the East End Temporary Tower #3 Boardwalk location with the initial setup of the site.
2853 2017-05-25 Mayberry Conductivity Sensor B Removed Lab none Removed from Mayberry for use on the temporary tower at East End
2525 2016-11-16 Lab none Installed Mayberry Conductivity Sensor B The HOBO conductivity sensor was put in the water near the existing conductivity sensor at the southeast corner of the scaffolding for an intercomparison with the Campbell CS547A sensor b/c we're technically out of the CS547A range. It is tied to the tower with some rope.