Equipment and Calibration History

History for Kipp & Zonen PAR-LITE 010164

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
6400 2023-08-29 Lab none Installed Vaira none Installed as part of the Arduino base RSB diffuse PAR mounted next to the BF3
6399 2023-07-06 Tonzi Removed Lab none Removed from the Tower Top where it was part of the Arduino based RSB diffuse PAR prototype
6397 2023-06-16 Lab none Installed Tonzi none Installed at the tower top as part of the Arduino RSB diffuse PAR prototype to compare with the BF5
6049 2022-10-31 Lab none Repair Lab none One of the wires was broken off right at the base of the sensor. I was able to solder on a lead and spliced a longer cable on and the sensor seemed to respond to light. From 2022-10-27 to 2022-10-31 I ran an inter-comparison out the lab window with sn 030382. The relationship was tight (r2=0.9999) and the slope was about 1.06. sn 030382 had been inter-compared on the Tonzi tower recently but in the reflected position so the range was not optimal. I think both sensors are functional and should be inter-compared with a good reference in the field to determine appropriate coefficients.
5479 2021-10-06 Tonzi PAR Sensor Incoming Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi-Tower due to bad readings from a broken wire. Replaced by sn 110340.
6342 2021-04-01 Tonzi PAR Sensor Incoming Location Tonzi PAR Sensor Incoming Location for sensors currently at Tonzi
3005 2017-08-25 Lab none Installed Tonzi-Tower Installed at Tonzi tower to replace an old PAR sensor sn 010159 that was reading high. It was installed in the incoming (up) position.
1836 2015-05-12 Sherman Island PAR Sensor Diffuse Removed Lab none Removed with the decommissioning of the Sherman Cow Pasture site.
45 2010-02-05 Sherman Island 0 Calibration Factory 0 cal coefficient 5.68 uV/umol/s.m2 (I don't know where this comes from, I can't find any record of this - maybe typo of original 5.28?)
41 2010-02-05 Sherman Island PAR Sensor Diffuse Location Sherman Island PAR Sensor Diffuse Used to collect diffuse PAR from home made shadow band.
1753 2007-04-20 Lab none Installed Sherman Island PAR Sensor Diffuse Installed to measure diffuse PAR with rotating shadow band
3072 2001-07-26 Factory Calibration Factory Initial factory calibration: 5.28 uV/(umol/m2/s)