Equipment and Calibration

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Equipment Entry

Instrument:Soil Moisture Probe
Model No:ML2x
Serial No:377/010
Tag No:
Acquisition Date:2012-03-13
Location on 2020-07-09:Loaned,


PackingSlip: ps_Dynamax_20120313.pdf


Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
4610 2020-07-09 Loaned Disposed Disposed Given to Sabina of Hydrofocus. The DWR grant ended at the end of June 2020, and Bryan requested we hand off a tower to Hydrofocus.
4580 2020-07-09 Sherman Barn Soil Moisture Probe C Removed Loaned none Removed from Sherman Barn with its decommissioning and given to Sabina of Hydrofocus. The DWR grant ended at the end of June 2020, and Bryan requested we hand off a tower to Hydrofocus. This sensor was just below the surface and in the southern profile (relative to the other 2 profiles).
3609 2018-07-11 Lab none Installed Sherman Barn Soil Moisture Probe C Installed at Sherman Barn to the SW of the scaffolding at -5cm. This is the initial set up of the site.
3503 2018-06-13 Twitchell Alfalfa Removed Lab none Removed with Twitchell Alfalfa site decommissioning.
2272 2016-05-12 Lab none Installed Twitchell Alfalfa Installed at -20cm to the northeast of the soil co2 box
2214 2016-03-02 Twitchell Alfalfa Removed Lab none Removed from -20cm at the Alfalfa tower due to cable damage from farm equipment and sheep.
981 2013-04-26 DWR Corn Lost Disposed This sensor was run over by a plow in the corn field. The sensor was recovered, but the sensor was cut. Likely repairable.
616 2012-05-21 Lab none Installed DWR Corn Installed at the edge of the field at the DWR Corn site