Site: Tonzi (US-Ton)
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Last field site visit:
2025-01-09 10:50:00 | Floor power seems okay, swapped IRGAs for calibration, collected point dendrometer data, reinstalled bottom GMP343, Tree/soil chambers, N2 tank removed |
Equipment installed at the site:
Apogee Infrared Temperature SI-121
Apogee Infrared Temperature SI-131
Campbell Sci. Multiplexer AM16/32B
Campbell Sci. Multiplexer AM25T
Campbell Sci. Interface CE4
Campbell Sci. Data Logger CR1000
Campbell Sci. Data Logger CR10X
Campbell Sci. Data Logger CR200
Campbell Sci. Data Logger CR23X
Campbell Sci. Data Logger CR3000
Campbell Sci. Data Logger CR6
Campbell Sci. RH & Temp HygroVUE10
Campbell Sci. Interface NL115
Campbell Sci. Radio RF401
Campbell Sci. Soil Moisture Probe SoilVUE10
Campbell Sci. Soil Water Potential SX229
Decagon-METER Water Level CTD-10
Decagon-METER Narrow Band SRS-Ni NDVI
Decagon-METER Narrow Band SRS-Nr NDVI
Decagon-METER Narrow Band SRS-Pi PRI
Decagon-METER Soil Moisture Probe STD-5TE
Decagon-METER Soil Moisture Probe STD-5TM
Delta-T PAR Sensor BF5
Delta-T Soil Moisture Probe ML2x
Environmental Sensors Inc. Moisture Point PRB-K Type #8
Fabricated Battery Bank BB-Fab
Forerunner-Eosense Forced Diffusion eosFD
Gill Anemometer WM 1590
Global Water Water Level WL16U
Hise Scientific Dendrometer DS
Hise Scientific Data Logger MFS-6
Hukseflux Heat Flux Plate HFP01
Hukseflux Heat Flux Plate HFP01SC
Hukseflux Net Radiometer NR01
Kipp & Zonen Net Radiometer CNR1
Kipp & Zonen PAR Sensor PAR-LITE
Kipp & Zonen PAR Sensor PQS 1
Licor Gas Analyzer LI-7500A
Licor Interface LI-7550
Licor Gas Analyzer LI-7700
METER Group Soil Water Potential TEROS21
Omega Infrared Temperature OS136-1-MVC
Sierra Wireless Radio LX40-NA-WIFI
StarDot Camera NULL
Texas Electronics Precipitation TE525
Texas Electronics Precipitation TR-525I-R1
TOMST Dendrometer D1
Vaisala CO2 Probe GMP343
Vaisala RH & Temp HMP45AC
Vaisala RH & Temp HMP60
Vaisala Barometer PTB101B
Data Streams:
Code | Description |
TZ_tmet | Met data from instruments at the top of the tower. |
TZ_Fenergy | Supplementary radiation and heat sensors on the ground in the open and under the trees installed in early summer of 2010 |
TZ_sapE | Southest sap flow station on CR10x13 for cluster 5 and 6 trees and prgram C56 |
TZ_soilco2 | Soil CO2 profiles at -2, -4, -8, -16cm from soil surface in two locations one in the open the other near the base of a tree. Soil temperatures at the measument locations are also recorded. |
TZ_sm | Soil moisture from CR23X3 - seven Delta-T Theta Probes near the tower. |
TZ_tflux | Data from the 30 minute .flx files recorded by winflux for the above canpoy tower at Tonzi. |
TZ_fmet | Soil temperature, soil heat flux, airT, RH and P from the area near to the gate in the tower cow fence |
TZ_fflux | 30 minute flux data from the Floor tower at Tonzi from the winflux flx files. |
TZ_mp | Data from the Moisture Point probes at Tonzi. |
TZ_zcam | Data generated from JPEG images of the upward facing zenith cameras Tonzi |
TZ_tram | One second PAR and net radiation from a moving tram car |
TZ_co2prof | Profile of CO2 concentration at four points on the tower. Originally from an LI-800 or LI-820 with samples pumped through solenoid controlled manifold. Starting 2018-02-07 a new system with independent Vaisala GMP343 CO2 sensors were installed at each location. |
TZ_windprof | Wind profile data from Handar 2D sonics on the Tower at heights 1 = 10.61m, 2 = 11.76m, 3 = 13.21m, 4 = 15.04m and 5 = 16.86m |
TZ_co2profcal | Automatic calibrations of the tower co2 profile |
EE_t1met | Micromet data from the East End Open Water Tower site (temporary tower for Summer 2017) recorded by a CR6 as 30min averages of 10sec samples. Originally on the levee at 38.109522, -121.636071, but moved about 60m south to the location below after the first month. |
TZ_well | Data from the Global Water data logger in the Tonzi Floor well. GL data is instantaneous at arbitrary 30min intervals - these times are rounded to closest half hour when stored. Changed to Decagon CTD-10 well sensor on 2018-02-07 |
TZ_irt | Surface temperatures from IRT sensors |
TZ_rwell | Water level data from the eastern most well near the road. |
TZ_osusp1 | Oregon State Univ sensors at location SP1 near the soil co2 profiles. These sensors were installed in 2012 for the AirMOSS experiment and given to the Biometlab in summer 2018 |
TZ_osusp2 | Oregon State Univ sensors at location SP2 near the Tonzi Tower. These sensors were installed in 2012 for the AirMOSS experiment and given to the Biometlab in summer 2018 |
TZ_osusp3 | Oregon State Univ sensors at location SP3 to the southeast of the Tower. These sensors were installed in 2012 for the AirMOSS experiment and given to the Biometlab in summer 2018 |
TZ_fdopen | Soil CO2 flux from Forced Diffusion chamber near the soil co2 profile in the open grass area. |
TZ_fdtree1 | Forced diffusion chamber near the soil co2 profile under the first tree |
TZ_amp | Processed data and gap filling as submitted to Ameriflux. |
TZ_soilvue | Data from SoilVue C and soil water potential C installed near OSU SP1 |
TZ_fprocessed | Data from the Floor L1 processed data file |
TZ_tprocessed | Data from the TowerL1 processed data file |
TZ_tprocessed3 | Data from the TowerL3 processed data file |
TZ_fprocessed3 | Data from the FloorL3 processed data file |
TZ_ptdendro | Date from point dendrometers, original 5 are hourly measurements linear interpolated to 30min values |
TZ_phenocam | Camera data as processed by the Phenocam Project - undated infrequently. This includes a tree and grass ROI although the tree ROI is polluted by underlying grass especially in winter. |
TZ_tomst | Date from TOMST point dendrometers, original data are 15min measurements only 30min values stored here |