Field Notes
<--2012-08-09 09:30:00 | 2012-08-23 09:15:00-->Other sites visited today: Mayberry | Twitchell Rice | West Pond | DWR Corn
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Sherman Island: 2012-08-16 08:15:00 (DOY 229)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Others: Jaclyn, Sara, Cove
Summary: Collected data, LGR low flow pressure low, may need to swap LGR, 7500 data bad since May 2.
2012-08-16 I arrived about 8:15 PDT with Sara, Jaclyn and Cove. It was clear and cool with a good breeze from the west. The water in the ditch near the road seemed high and part of the field to the south under the bridge was flooded. Our field continues to look somewhat greener that earlier in the summer but may have been trampled by cows recently. When we arrived the LGR read: 8:24 PDT, 20.88C, 132.58Torr, 14.943usec, 10Hz, 1.801ppm. I adjusted the bypass valve to bring the pressure up to 145.70Torr. We tried to calibrate, but in slow flow mode the pressure dropped to 37Torr and falling. The external filters seem okay, must be the internal filter or pressure controller. Probably should just swap the LGR and do the maintenance in the lab. We collected all the data. Sara did soil chamber measurements. I swapped the CFM on the CR1000. A module with Ethernet jack (sn 6761) came off and one without went on (sn 4993). We did not do the LAI or spectra measurements this week. The radiation sensors looked clean. |
1 photos found
SI_autocam_20120817_1915.jpg ( 2012-08-17 19:15:03 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Nice sunset
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