Field Notes
<--2024-06-03 12:30:00 | 2024-06-27 12:25:00-->Other sites visited today: Gilbert Tract | Mayberry | East End | Bouldin Alfalfa
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Bouldin Corn: 2024-06-18 15:35:00 (DOY 170)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Charlie
Summary: Corn about knee height near tower, replaced dfPAR motor
2024-06-18 Bouldin Corn Charlie and I arrived at 15:35 PST (16:35 PDT). Charlie is an undergraduate student in Rob Rhew’s lab who came along today for more field experience—he has been incubating GT soil cores in the lab and measuring their fluxes with changing water levels. It was warm with a light breeze and hazy—fire season has started. Our corn field is patchier than I remember in the past: the corn along the edges is taller than the interior, and there are some bare patches in the middle. Charlie cleaned flux and rad sensors and topped off the reservoir. He noticed there were small nicks in the SWin sensor and a small dot in the top mirror of the 7700. The 7700 nick was was maybe a few cm from the edge of the mirror. I downloaded met, cam, USB GHG, PA, and zcam data. The Apogee NDVI data was weird last time, but looked fine today. I changed the eddy clock +1min from 16:02:30 to 16:03:30 to match the laptop time and restarted logging. I checked the phenocam clock as part of its routine quarterly check and changed it -4:00 minutes from 16:04 to 16:00 to match the laptop time. Charlie replaced the 0.5rpm dfPAR motor to a 2rpm motor with a motor control board. He adjusted the speed so it was about 0.5rpm. I checked that the dfPAR and totPAR numbers looked reasonable. We didn’t have a tape measure today, so no veg height. The corn by the zcams were 30-40cm tall, but the corn toward the center of the field was only 20-30cm tall. I pulled a few weeds by one of the zcams, trying not to disturb the corn canopy nearby. The 7500 read: 405ppm CO2, 412mmol/m3 H2O, 30.9, 100.7kPa, 99SS – 102 after cleaning The 7700 read: 2.0ppm CH4, 52RSSI – 80 after cleaning We left at 16:15 PST (17:15 PDT). |
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17 BC_met graphs found
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