Field Notes
<--2022-11-30 14:00:00 | 2023-01-06 13:55:00-->Other sites visited today: Gilbert Tract | Mayberry | West Pond | East End | Bouldin Corn
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Bouldin Alfalfa: 2022-12-13 16:30:00 (DOY 347)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Summary: No change in plowed fields, camera clock off by 8 months, quick data collection
Bouldin Alfalfa 2022-12-13 I arrived at about 16:30. The sun was going down as I arrived. No change in the fields being plowed. The levee road has a bunch of fresh soft gravel on it – passable but not in great shape. The alfalfa was clumpy with veg height from 0 to 20cm but the clumps looks green and healthy. I collected USB, met, camera, FD and IRT data. I did not clear the FD chamber’s memory. The 7500 read: 429.3ppm CO2, 353.0mmol/m3 H2O, 9.6C, 101.9kPa, 105.0SS The Stardot camera had adjusted is clock by 8 months. I changed 2022-04-13 16:44:00 to 2022-12-13 16:45:33 I cleaned the outside and inside of the camera window. There might be a small change in the FOV since I had to slide the camera back and forth. I have just noticed that the reflected PAR sensor is not in a great location. It’s right next to the big square tube of the radiation boom. I don’t think there is enough cable length to move it much, but a new mount on the bottom of the boom would work. I left at 16:53 |
Next Mowing: 2022-12-18
2 photos found
20221213BA_Sunset.jpg ( 2022-12-13 16:39:27 ) Full size: 1920x706
Winter sunset
bouldinalfalfa_2022_12_14_074506.jpg ( 2022-12-14 15:46:00 ) Full size: 1296x960
Foggy, frosty morning
7 sets found
4 BA_flux graphs found
21 BA_met graphs found
6 BA_arable graphs found
Can't check TATWBABCSB_cam
2 BA_processed graphs found
No data found for BA_adex.