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Gilbert Tract: 2022-04-20 16:20:00 (DOY 110)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Joe
Summary: Maintenance day, extended cables on water sensors, reinforced 3rd boardwalk
2022-04-20 Gilbert Tract Joe and I arrived around 16:20 PDT. It was mostly sunny with dark grey clouds, breezy and getting windier. It's forecast to rain about 0.5cm tonight and into tomorrow. It was about 1 hour past low tide so the water level was still quite low but rising. I dropped Joe off at the tower first and checked on the SL. He strengthened the legs on the 3rd length of the boardwalk by pounding in 1-1/4" EMT pipe to nest within the plastic legs. I went to check on the Side Looker ADCP. When I first connected, an error message came up that said my system clock was 1/1/2000, 00:00 and asked if I would like to set it to PC clock at 4/20/2022 15:36. I reset the clock and downloaded the data. The data seemed reasonable and had reasonable time stamps, so I'm not sure why it needed its clock reset. After viewing the data file, I restarted data logging. I went back to the main tower around 16:40 PDT. We worked on extending the cable on the 3 water sensors: HYDROS21 CTD, eosGP dissolved CO2, and Campbell conductivity. The Campbell conductivity sensor had been laying in the mud quite close to the tower, not near the well at all, so that's probably why it had funky data. The eosGP and HYDRO21 were at the end of the boardwalk near the miniDot. The EosGP was laying on the bottom. All these sensors were below the water level. Joe added a longer spare Eosense cable (~35ft) and moved the junction box that was near the well to the boardwalk. The HYDROS21 and eosGP were wired to a screw terminal inside the junction box. The Campbell conductivity sensor was wired to its A547 module and the A547 was connected to a 2nd screw terminal inside the box. This Campbell conductivity sensor has a broken temperature sensor, so I left the "Temp" and "Ex Temp" wires disconnected. Be careful opening the small enclosure--both screw terminals and the A547 are inside so it's quite full. The small enclosure is connected to the main data logger via the single cable running along the boardwalk and then along the water's edge before getting to the data logger. All 3 sensors are now tied to the last boardwalk leg. We may need to put another 4' length of boardwalk out to get the sensors even deeper into the water. At the data logger enclosure , the wiring should be: Red - 12V Black - G Purple - C7 (orange on HYDROS21) Gray - mux 13H (CO2 on eosGP) Blue - mux 14H (Temp on eosGP) Brown - mux 13L/14L (Low on eosGP) White - mux AG (Shield on eosGP) Pink - VX1 (Ex Cond on A547) Yellow - CR1000 4H (Cond H on A547) Green - CR1000 4L (Cond L on A547) Gray/Pink - AG Joe attached the staff gauge to a post but we will wait to install it after finishing the boardwalk extension. He also removed the old well pipe. I downloaded met and USB GHG data. I swapped camera cards but I found out back in the lab that the card I had removed was empty. I inserted a new 32GB card that I had fully reformatted in the lab. It seemed to mount fine. I need to check the card/connection again next week when we are back for the usual data collection. I did not clean the sensors. The reservoir was mostly full; did not refill. We ran out of time to check the CTD data against the YSI probe--next time. LI-7500 readings: CO2 416ppm H2O 431ppm T 21.9C P 101.1kPa SS 96 LI7700 readings: CH4 1.99ppm RSSI 60 We left around 18:10 PDT to go to the battery store in Pleasant Hill before they closed at 19:00. |
0 photos found
8 sets found
Can't check MBWPEESWGT_mixed
Can't check MBEEWPSWEPGT_cam
16 GT_met graphs found
4 GT_flux graphs found
3 GT_adcp graphs found
1 GT_cam graphs found
2 GT_usgs graphs found
No data found for GT_chanexo.