Field Notes
<--2020-02-06 10:05:00 | 2020-03-05 13:50:00-->Other sites visited today: Bouldin Corn | Bouldin Alfalfa | West Pond | East End | Sherman Barn | Mayberry
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Sherman Wetland: 2020-02-20 13:50:00 (DOY 51)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Others: Daphne, Robert
Summary: Standard fieldwork, tules still green, serviced Minidot, fixed tie downs on temporary tower.
Sherman Wetland 2020-02-20 Daphne, Robert and I arrived at 13:50. It was sunny and warm with high thin clouds. The cattails are brown, but the tules still are mostly green and there are other green weeds and algae in the wetland. There are also some green cattail beginning to come up. The water level was 82cm Daphne collected the data and Robert cleaned the sensors. The 7500 read: 426ppm CO2, 393mmol/m3 H2O, 20.4C, 102.0kPa, 97SS The 7700 read: 2.2ppm CH4, 41RSSI – 87 after cleaning. I collected data from Minidot. The water CO2 sensor was out of the water. It looked like some creature pushed through the reeds and pushed on the sensor’s cable. I adjusted it back into the water. We left at 14:15. When we got back to the lab, there were about 1/4 of camera photos missing with no clear pattern. I think it's related to power issues. The power has been dropping below 12V with increasing frequency since 9/2019. Temporary Tower We arrived at 14:20. The levee is lush with green grass but the wetland is brown. Daphne collected the data and Robert cleaned the sensors. The 7500 read: 418ppm CO2, 326mmol/m3 H2O, 21.2C, 102.2kPa, 98.6SS – 100 after cleaning The 7700 read: 2.2ppm CH4, 43.6RSSI – 74 after cleaning The wash reservoir was full. There were many half alive wasps in the data logger box – we left them some more mothballs. The well level as 2.6ft. Some pepper weed and cattails are sprouting under the tower. The eosGP CO2 probe sn GP20150111 is hanging in the air – no water to put it in yet. I improved the scaffolding tie downs adding a turn buckle and new chains. I also put some mothballs in the solar controller box. We left at 14:40 |
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