Field Notes

<--2019-04-25 12:15:00 | 2019-05-23 14:45:00-->
Other sites visited today: Bouldin Alfalfa | Bouldin Corn | East End | East Pond | Sherman Wetland | Mayberry | Sherman Barn
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West Pond: 2019-05-02 13:40:00 (DOY 122)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Alex, Kuno, Ariane

Summary: Regular data collection/cleaning, downloaded miniDOT, wetland still dry, checked outlet, well pipe measurements

West Pond

Alex, Kuno, Ariane, and I arrived at 13:40. It was a warm and sunny day with blue skies. The levee roads look like they have been heavily grazed. The wetland is still mostly brown and dry, and the water level was 19 cm.

Kuno downloaded met, camera, USB GHG, and miniDOT data. Ariane cleaned flux and rad sensors. The wash reservoir was ¼ full; Alex refilled it. Kuno left some mothballs at the met box. I tried to install the Raspberry Pi cam, but need a pole 1-2’ shorter if I want to attach it to the boardwalk post.

Alex took some measurements of the well next to the boardwalk: 120 cm until some resistance, 150 cm until muck bottom (tape was wet until about 40 cm).

LI-7500 readings:
CO2 401ppm
H2O 5352ppm
T 27.6C
P 101.5kPa
SS 95--> 97 after cleaning
LI7700 readings:
CH4 1.97ppm
RSSI 44-->76 after cleaning

We left at 14:20. On the way out, we checked out the outlet. The boards have been put back in, but we didn’t see any obvious signs of peat harvesting.

0 photos found

Graphs display:
8 sets found

Can't check WP_DO
1 WP_DO graphs found

Explore the graph:WestPond DO in a new window

14 WP_met graphs found

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Explore the graph:Temperatures in a new window

Explore the graph:Solar Radiation in a new window

Explore the graph:RH and Pressure in a new window

Explore the graph:Water Level and Precipitation in a new window

Explore the graph:Conductivity in a new window

Explore the graph:Temperatures Set A in a new window

Explore the graph:Temperatures Set B in a new window

Explore the graph:Temperature Set C in a new window

Explore the graph:Water CO2 and Temp in a new window

Explore the graph:West Pond Water CO2 in a new window

Explore the graph:WP miniDOT Dissolved Oxygen in a new window

Explore the graph:SRS NDVI Channels in a new window

Explore the graph:NDVI in a new window

5 WP_flux graphs found

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Explore the graph:LI7500 CO2 and H2O in a new window

Explore the graph:LI7700 CH4 and RSSI in a new window

Explore the graph:West Pond Flux Data Counts in a new window

Explore the graph:Air Temperatures in a new window

Can't check MBWPEESWGT_mixed
Can't check MBEEWPSWEPGT_cam
1 WP_processed graphs found

Explore the graph:WP CO2 Fluxes in a new window

No data found for WP_arable.