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<--2018-05-31 13:45:00 | 2018-06-14 12:30:00-->Other sites visited today: Twitchell Alfalfa | East End
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East Pond: 2018-06-13 12:50:00 (DOY 164)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Others: Daphne
Summary: Fixed loose wire on solar power, swapped AM16/32 mux, brought in RPi cam, changed voltage range on SHF plates
East Pond 2018-06-13 I arrived at 12:50 with Daphne. It was clear, sunny and hot with only a light breeze. The road is overgrown with weeds. The data logger did not have power when we arrive and had not collected data for the last two weeks. The Licor system was running and had mostly complete data with some drop outs mostly at night. In the solar controller box I found a loose connecting on the positive lead to the tower. I fixed that connection and tightened all the other connections in the box. I also checked the water level in the batteries. Two were low, but I only had enough water to partially filly one of them. All the batteries could use more water next time. The panels also need cleaning and can probably be done tomorrow with the regular data collection. Daphne swapped out the AM16/32 mux. The old mux sn 1429 has bad channels that cause spikes. The new one sn 1164 was just removed from Twitchell Alfalfa with the decommissioning of that site. AirT/RH: Black H, White L, clear AG PAR In: black H, red L, bare AG PAR Out: black H, red L, bare AG SWin: red H, blue L jump to AG SWout: white H, black L jump to AG LWin: Orange H, Yellow L jump to AG LWoutL Brown H, Green L jump to AG with clear SHFP 1: Red H, Black L, Bare AG SHFP 2: Red H, Black L, Bare AG SHFP 3: Red H, Black L, Bare AG To CR1000 White RES Green CLK Black G Red 12V Red COM ODD H Black COM ODD L Bare COM AG The met data was collected and a new program was uploaded for the wiring on the new mux and setting the range on the SHF plate from 250mV to 25mV. Afterwards the met looked okay. The 7500 read: 398ppm CO2, 779mmol/m3 H2O, 32.2C, 101.1kPa, 93SS The 7700 read: 1.97ppm CH4, 43RSSI – will be cleaned tomorrow The RPi was not responsive. It and its power supply were hot to the touch and the board under the processor was discolored. It is probably dead so we brought it in to test. We left at 13:50 |
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