Field Notes
<--2017-09-19 11:55:00 | 2017-10-19 09:45:00-->Other sites visited today: Bouldin Alfalfa | Twitchell Alfalfa | East End
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Bouldin Corn: 2017-10-04 10:20:00 (DOY 277)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Others: Elke, Daphne
Summary: Field was harvested, swapped 7700 and 7550 interface (embedded software 8.5.0)
Bouldin Corn 2017-10-04 Daphne, Elke and I arrived at 10:20. It was clear, sunny and cool with hazy horizons. Some of the fields to the north of the Hwy have been flooded. Our field was harvested about a week and a half ago. There was some corn left standing near the tower. Joe pulled most of this out and spread it around the field a bit. It is unclear whether they will disk our field yet or not, so equipment stays out of the field for now. Joe also knocked down the weeds between the tower and the road finding three more water melons. The 7700 here has been cycling its power every time it tries to run the auto wash cycle, and has the bad header problem. The 7700 is due for calibration as well. So we swapped the 7700 and the 7550 box. 7700 sn TG1-0211 went up and sn TG1-0421 came off. 7550 box sn AIU-0614 went up (embedded software version 8.5.0) and sn AIU-1570 came off (embedded software version 8.7.5). We uploaded a config file for head 2668 from Sept 19th (which included the correct CO2 and CH4 data columns to be recorded) and changed the pressure coefficients. Then we uploaded a config file from July that was the most recent calibration for head 2668. 7500 before swap: 395.1ppm CO2, 551.2mmol/m3, 19.6C, 102.0kPa, 90.3SS – 100.7 after cleaning 7500 after swap: 422.5ppm CO2, 380.6mmol/m3, 19.32C, 101.5kPa, 102.2SS 7700 before swap: 2.2ppm CH4, 76.1RSSI - -75ppm CH4, 0.02RSSI before cleaning 7700 after swap: 2.2ppm CH4, 73.9RSSI After the swap we checked both the manual and automatic spin and wash. Both ran correctly. We did not swap out the wash box. The rain gauge and radiometers were cleaned. |
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