Field Notes
<--2016-08-01 10:40:00 | 2016-08-31 12:35:00-->Other sites visited today: Twitchell Alfalfa | Twitchell Rice | East End | Bouldin Alfalfa
Phenocam link: Searching...
West Pond: 2016-08-12 11:20:00 (DOY 225)
Author: Alison Haddad
Others: Elke Eichelmann, Kyle Hemes
Summary: Ants in the datalogger box and in Li7550, missing a bird spike on sonic, regular data collection.
Arrived 11:20. Sunny, hot, breezy. Filled methane wash water reservoir box, was nearly full; collected USB GHG data; collected met data from CR1000, all looks good; collected camera data. Water level by northwest corner of the tower was 34cm. The ground was very soft and ambiguous; pushed tape measure down to “solid†ground and measured from there. A few ants in the datalogger box, LI7550 crawling with ants. Took the plastic plate off the circuit board in the LI7550 and left unit open to the sun. Returned at 4:45 to put ant traps in datalogger and LI7550 boxes. We also put mothballs in the boxes and reinforced the foam with putty. Left the screws for the LI7550 plate in the box, took the plate itself back to the lab for safekeeping. Missing bird spikes on one arm of the sonic, bring new ones next time. LI7500 readings CO2 395.4 H2O 670.3 T 26.7 P 101.22 ss 89.82 ->94 LI7700 readings CH4 1.95 rssi 61.6 ->83 Left: 11:55. |
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