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<--2015-08-06 09:00:00 | 2015-09-02 08:45:00-->Other sites visited today: Twitchell Rice | East End | West Pond | Twitchell Alfalfa
Phenocam link: Searching...
Mayberry: 2015-08-19 09:10:00 (DOY 231)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Others: Patty
Summary: swapped 7500, 7700 wash tubing problems fixed, auto-camera swapped, LED sensors still out.
Mayberry 2015-08-19 I arrived about 9:10am with Patty. It was clear and sunny with a strong, gusty wind from the west. The cattails are beginning to turn yellow-brown. The water level is above the top of the fence post in the channel. The 7700 was reading -0.05ppm and 0.17RSSI. The bottom mirror and body looked muddy like a heavy condensing fog collected the dust into puddles. The wash box was 1/3 full. We manually ran the pump and got almost no spray. We finally traced the blockage to the filter between the reservoir and the pump. We replaced the filter with a length of tubing. This only improved the spray a little but revealed a leak in the tubing near the top of the 7550 box. I think critters have been chewing on the tubing. I taped the leak area with electrical tape. I also took the spray head apart and pushed a fine wire through the spray opening. Then the automatic spray settings got messed up so it seemed that the sprayer was stuck on. In the end everything was fixed and an automated wash cycle ran well. We refilled the reservoir. After cleaning the 7700 read: 1.894ppm CH4, 64.4RSSI We swapped the 7500. sn 75H-2180 off: 368.6ppm CO2, 700mmol/m3 H2O, 85.8SS, 20.38C, 101.21kPa sn 75H-2514 on: 390ppm CO2, 766.9mmol/m3 H2O, 101.2SS, 19.79C, 101.38kPa The camera was on and seemed to be working, but only took four photos. We swapped it out with another camera. Met data was okay, but the LED sensor still needs to be replaced – power supply on the board seems to be bad. We did not service the water sensors. Need to do this next time out. |
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