Field Notes
<--2013-09-05 11:30:00 | 2013-09-18 11:45:00-->Other sites visited today: Sherman Island | Mayberry | Twitchell Rice | DWR Corn | West Pond
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Twitchell Alfalfa: 2013-09-11 13:30:00 (DOY 254)
Author: Cove Sturtevant
Others: Dennis, Sara, Eva
Summary: Standard site visit. Swapped 7500 head (removed sn 2180, installed sn 0065). All good.
Twitchell Alfalfa 2013-09-11 We arrived about 13:30 PDT. It was mostly sunny, breezy and warm (23 C). The alfalfa continues to grow and flower. I downloaded data while Sara, Dennis, and Eva swapped out the 7500 head (removed sn 2180, installed sn 0065). I downloaded the coefficients of the previous 7500 and uploaded the new ones. Afterward I changed the pressure coefficients back to the correct values for the 7550 box at the site. 7500 readings: CO2 = 390 ppm (392 after cleaning, 385 after swap) H2O = 700 mmol m-3 (680 after cleaning, 700 after swap) SS = 92.6% (93.4% after cleaning, 71.7% after swap) T = 25.8 C p = 101.4 kPa sos = 348.4 m s-1 7700 readings: CH4: 1.86 ppm (same after cleaning) RSSI: 40% (78% after cleaning) Reservoir was full MET looked good. Radiation looked good. Cleaned radiation instruments. We took 15 measurements of vegetation height - averaging at 40 cm. |
Veg Height (cm): Tape measure from ground to top of plant
45, 44, 56, 43, 36, 35, 49, 26, 35, 30, 51, 51, 0, 32, 57, avg = 39.3, stdev = 14.48
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