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Equipment and Calibration

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Equipment Entry

Manufacture:Texas Electronics
Model No:TR-5251
Serial No:40415-1006
Acquisition Date:2006-12-06
Location on 2021-11-04:Mayberry, NULL
Notes: 0.01in tip, 6 inch orifice


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Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
5559 2021-11-04 Mayberry Precipitation Adjusted Mayberry Precipitation Tested tipping bucket - got 53/50 tips. Adjusted screws 1/2 turn out (CCW).
5539 2021-10-21 Mayberry Precipitation Tested Mayberry Precipitation We dripped 240ml of water through the bucket using a peristaltic pump powered with a lithium battery. This should result in 50 tips in about 20 minutes. We got 54 tips and adjusted its set screws 1.5 turns CCW (1/2 turn of both screws is a 2-3% adjustment).
5369 2021-07-06 Lab none Installed Mayberry Precipitation Installed at MB again after replacing the cable in the lab.
5359 2021-07-02 Lab none Repair Lab none I replaced the spliced cable with a new cable, no splicing needed. The ring terminals I had were a bit too large for the screw terminals inside the bucket, so I cut off a portion of the ring to make it more like a spade terminal.
5358 2021-06-22 Mayberry Precipitation Removed Lab none Removed from MB and brought back to the lab for repair. It had lots of tips even though there hasn't been any rain, probably because the spliced area of the cable was underwater.
4122 2019-10-22 Mayberry Precipitation Calibration Mayberry Precipitation Initially, the ground wire at the data logger was broken. After cleaning the tipping bucket we connected it to a CR23x and dripped 475ml of water through the bucket which should result in 100tips. We got 109 tips. We turned its set screw to full rotations CCW. Retest on 10-31 got 102 tips - good enough.
3767 2018-10-25 Mayberry Precipitation Tested Mayberry Precipitation Repaired chewed cable and tested with 475ml water. Got 100 tips. Did not adjust set screws.
1901 2015-06-25 Lab none Installed Mayberry Precipitation Installed on a post along the boardwalk to the tower at Mayberry.
1838 2015-05-12 Sherman Island Precipitation Removed Lab none Removed with the decommissioning of the Sherman Cow Pasture site.
