Equipment and Calibration History

History for Kipp & Zonen PAR-LITE 030382

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
6897 2024-10-14 Lab none Removed Lab none Recovered from the bike package. This sensor went to Burning Man in 2023 and has been sitting idle in Robert's office ever since. Stored in equipment cabinet.
6307 2023-07-05 Loaned none Received Lab none Returned to the lab from Sophie Ruehr at the conclusion of her measurements along with CR23X sn 2303
6229 2023-04-05 Lab none Loaned Loaned none Loaned to Sophie Ruehr with 23x sn 2303 for field measurements (light extinction curves at the Lake Merrit bonsai garden)
6208 2023-03-07 Loaned none Returned Lab none Returned by Sophie Ruehr from lab measurements of grow lights
6207 2023-03-01 Lab none Loaned Loaned none Loaned to Sophie Ruehr with 23x sn 2303 for lab measurements of grow lights
6050 2022-10-31 Lab none Tested Lab none This sensor was removed because there were spikes in its data on two different mux ports. I pulled apart the splice in the cable and didn't see any problems. From 2022-10-27 to 2022-10-31 I ran an inter-comparison out the lab window with sn 010164. The relationship was tight (r2=0.9999) and the slope was about 1.06. sn 030382 had been inter-compared on the Tonzi tower recently but in the reflected position so the range was not optimal. I think both sensors are functional and should be inter-compared with a good reference in the field to determine appropriate coefficients.
6037 2022-10-20 Tonzi PAR Sensor Reflected Removed Lab none Removed from Tonzi due to random spikiness. Replaced by sn 990025.
6343 2021-04-01 Tonzi PAR Sensor Reflected Location Tonzi PAR Sensor Reflected Location for sensors currently at Tonzi
5226 2004-04-30 Lab none Installed Tonzi PAR Sensor Reflected Cal Installed on the radiation boom for comparison with existing Licor Quantum sensor