Equipment and Calibration

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View History for Hill Slough
SELECT * from equiplist WHERE 1 AND curloc LIKE :LL1 ORDER BY FIELD(curloc, 'Returned', 'Disposed'), recno DESC
Array ( [:LL1] => Hill Slough% )

33 rows returned

IDSMAP LocModelSerial No.Last EntryCurrent Location Project Description
979 fDOM YSI EXO fDOM 24F104438 2024-10-24Hill Slough DeltaCouncil-Dutch Part number 599104-01 0 to 300 ppb Quinine Sulfate equivalent (QSE) measurement range 0.01 ppb QSE resolution T63<2 sec response time
975 Water Level MaxBotix MB7389-100 76294-1 2024-05-16Hill Slough Ducks-Hill Slough ULTRASONIC SENSOR HRXL-MAXSONAR, 2.7-5.5VDC in, 5m range, 5mm resolution for analog out, Beam angle 11°. 0-5000mV=0-5120mm, therefore 0.9766mV=1mm.
934 Conductivity Sensor YSI EXO Wiped Cond/Temp 23D104030 2024-10-24Hill Slough UCSC Wiped conductivity/temperature sensor for EXO sensor. Came with an extra wiper brush, spacing o-rings, and zip ties.
922 Water Level METER Group HYDROS21 H21G20001202 2024-05-16Hill Slough DeltaCouncil-Dutch Replacement for failed CTD-10 sn 1782303006 replaced under warranty - new model SDI-12 address = 0
917 Solar Panel BP Solar SX20U C1031127-2306254 2022-08-24Hill Slough It was in the lab. I think it was from the Tonzi Tram system.
914 Battery Bank Fabricated BB-Fab BB-HS 2022-11-30Hill Slough Ducks-Hill Slough Battery bank for Hill Slough from old parts.
913 Turbidity YSI EXO Turbidity 22E106072 2024-10-24Hill Slough Ducks-Hill Slough
903 Interface EXO YSI EXO2 22C103416 2024-10-24Hill Slough DeltaCouncil-Dutch Part number 599502-01, seven ports, 4D cell batteries, 10m depth. Integrated non-vented depth sensor sn 22A107586.
828 RH & Temp Vaisala HMP155 S3410851 2021-03-11Hill Slough
813 Camera Raspberry Pi RPI0W RPI0W-004 2021-03-11Hill Slough Raspberry pi camera module. Consists of a Raspberry Pi Zero W, Raspberry Pi Camera v2, Raspberry Pi camera cable, a real-time clock PCF8523, and a microSD card. Code is written by Ingo Jaeckel here: The pi is running Raspbian Jessie Lite. This camera has a regular lens.
725 Precipitation Texas Electronics TE525 48130-611 2021-11-04Hill Slough OSU AirMOSS Acquired from the OSU AirMOSS project, Location SP01-21
664 DO Sensor PME miniDOT-usb 931528 2024-09-26Hill Slough Fellowship-Kyle
644 CO2 Probe Forerunner-Eosense GP-001 GP20160127 2022-08-24Hill Slough LBNL 0-1% range. Received from LBNL in exchange from probes given to Jennifer Soong on 2017-09-08
623 Narrow Band NDVI Reflected Decagon-METER SRS-Ni NDVI 2046503402 2021-03-11Hill Slough Kearney Cosine correcting Teflon diffuser, hemispherical field of view
621 Narrow Band NDVI Incoming Decagon-METER SRS-Ni NDVI 2046503368 2021-03-11Hill Slough Kearney Cosine correcting Teflon diffuser, hemispherical field of view
580 Multiplexer Thermocouple Campbell Sci. AM25T 2856 2021-03-11Hill Slough NULL NULL
488 Net Radiometer 4-way Hukseflux NR01 2420 2021-03-25Hill Slough CDFW
442 PAR Sensor Diffuse Licor LI-190/R Q100421 2021-08-25Hill Slough USDA Oikawa
420 Heat Flux Plate B Hukseflux HFP01 10809 2021-03-11Hill Slough Oikawa Factory calibration 2014-10-17, 62.69 uV/(W/m2). Wht = +sig, Grn = -sig, Blk = shield.
374 Gas Analyzer CO2/H2O Licor LI-7500A 75H-2514 2025-01-30Hill Slough DWR-Wetland Came with AIU-1285, TG1-0357, wash box and assorted cables and hardware.
332 Data Logger Met Campbell Sci. CR1000 50889 2021-03-11Hill Slough DOE-TCP Initial factory calibration 2012-09-28
305 Anemometer Gill WM 1590 120907 2021-03-11Hill Slough DWR-Wetland 4x14bit analog out, 20Hz, Firmware version 2329-116-01
259 Interface LI-7550 Licor LI-7550 AIU-0650 2021-03-25Hill Slough DWR-Wetland Part of GHG1 system with LI-7700 sn TG1-0223 and LI-7500A sn 75H-2176
250 Solar Controller MorningStar PS-30M 11400080 2021-03-11Hill Slough DWR-Wetland 12/24V, 30A, LCD
243 Solar Panel C Kyosera KD140SX-UFBS 11ZV0M0855 2021-02-26Hill Slough DWR-Wetland 140W, 12V
239 Solar Panel A Kyosera KD140SX-UFBS 11ZV0M0829 2021-02-26Hill Slough DWR-Wetland 140W, 12V
238 Solar Panel C Kyosera KD140SX-UFBS 11ZV0M0828 2021-03-11Hill Slough DWR-Wetland 140W, 12V
172 Gas Analyzer Licor LI-7700 TG1-0155 2024-08-07Hill Slough NSF-Methane Arrived with LI7550 sn AIU-397. Dead on arrival returned for repair. IPV6 = fe80:0000:021c:94ff:fe04:04fe IPV4 =
127 PAR Sensor Incoming Kipp & Zonen PAR-LITE 050597 2021-03-11Hill Slough DWR-Rice Initial factory calibration 5.35 uV/(uE/m2/s)
126 PAR Sensor Reflected Kipp & Zonen PAR-LITE 050596 2021-03-11Hill Slough DWR-Rice Initial factory calibration 5.27 uV/(uE/m2/s)
58 Heat Flux Plate A Hukseflux HFP01SC 00245 2021-03-11Hill Slough NSF-Methane Repaired 2018-02-27 with soldered cable and silicone reinforcing.
42 Data Logger Diffuse Campbell Sci. CR10X 47253 2021-04-27Hill Slough NSF-Methane wiring panel 36418
31 Data Logger Campbell Sci. CR23X 2299 2022-08-24Hill Slough