Field Notes
<--2012-09-20 13:00:00 | 2012-10-04 12:30:00-->Other sites visited today: Sherman Island | DWR Corn | Twitchell Rice | Mayberry
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West Pond: 2012-09-27 13:15:00 (DOY 271)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Others: Sara, Cove, Laurie
Summary: Collected data, water level really low but filling, no water samples.
West Pond
2012-09-27 I arrived about 1:15pm PDT with Cove, Sara and Laurie. It was clear, sunny and hot with little to no wind. The water levels in the ponds were really low – the upper DO was exposed. But the inlets were running at full flow. Sara and Laurie tried to collect water samples but there wasn’t enough water in the usual locations. Cove and I collected the data. The system read: CO2 = 400ppm, H2O = 600, AGC = 43.8, T = 29.65, SOS = 352, CH4 = 1.99, RSSI = 39 After cleaning the RSSI was 76. Everything else looked okay. |
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