Field Notes

<--2011-12-28 11:30:00 | 2012-01-25 08:40:00-->
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Twitchell Rice: 2012-01-17 09:30:00 (DOY 17)
Author: Joe Verfaillie
Others: Jaclyn, Sara, Juwon, Sean

Summary: Install LI7700, swap LI7500, Updraged CR1000 OS, new program, LGR pressure low.


I arrived about 9:30 with Jaclyn, Sara, Sean and Juwon. It was clear, sunny and super cold with little to no wind. There was almost half a cm of ice on the field water and some of it stayed until after 11am. There was a hawk sitting on the camera post when we arrived.

We swapped the 7500. Sn 0041 came off and sn 0065 went on. I swapped internal chemicals and painted the box on sn 0065 before calibrating it. In painting the box I removed its mounting plate and forgot to reattach it. It still fit on the tower but not as well.

Jaclyn cleaned the radiation sensors.

We installed the new 7700 (sn TG1-0211) with the old 7550 box (sn AIU-0397). The 7700 head was mounted just northeast of the central post of the tower, downwind from the sonic and 7500 but upwind of the LGR inlet. The 7550 and washer box were mounted on a leg of the tripod. Power for the 7700 and 7550 was wired into the terminal strip in the data logger box which is currently powered by the solar system. I may need to add a 12VDC supply to power this from the generator. Data is sent to the CR1000 by SDM from the 7550 box. The CR1000 program was changed to add five channels from the 7700. RSSI from the 7700 was about 50 so I did not clean the mirrors.

The CR1000 OS had to be upgraded to support the 7700 SDM function. CR1000 (sn 23865) had OS v16 on it I upgraded it to the newest version v24

The LGR read
10:47PST, 24.25C, 56.34Torr, 13.918usec, 10Hz, 2.133ppm

I adjusted the bypass valve to bring the pressure up to 144.60. The flow seemed reduced at 56.34Torr, I could feel an increase of air flow from the pump as I opened the bypass valve.

Cards swapped, data collected.

The solar panels were washed.

Jaclyn to water samples for Emily.

15 photos found

Eddy sensors and nice sunset over flooded rice field
TW_autocam_20120117_1845.jpg ( 2012-01-17 18:45:03 ) Full size: 3648x2736
Eddy sensors and nice sunset over flooded rice field

Smoke plume on the horizon over flooded rice field
TW_autocam_20120117_1245.jpg ( 2012-01-17 12:45:02 ) Full size: 3648x2736
Smoke plume on the horizon over flooded rice field

LI7700 on tower, ice on water
TW_autocam_20120117_1115.jpg ( 2012-01-17 11:15:02 ) Full size: 3648x2736
LI7700 on tower, ice on water

Burning brush
20120117TW_BurningBiomass.jpg ( 2012-01-17 11:43:27 ) Full size: 4000x3000
Burning brush

Diable and smoke from burning brush
20120117TW_FieldDiablo.jpg ( 2012-01-17 11:36:30 ) Full size: 4000x3000
Diable and smoke from burning brush

Installing new LI-7700
20120117TW_Installing7700.jpg ( 2012-01-17 11:33:26 ) Full size: 4000x3000
Installing new LI-7700

Installing new LI-7700
20120117TW_JaclynJoeTower.jpg ( 2012-01-17 11:35:05 ) Full size: 4000x3000
Installing new LI-7700

Ice on the water
20120117TW_PARSensors.jpg ( 2012-01-17 11:35:34 ) Full size: 4000x3000
Ice on the water

Installing LI-7700 with Sean, Jaclyn and Juwon.
20120117TW_SeanJuwon.jpg ( 2012-01-17 11:33:33 ) Full size: 4000x3000
Installing LI-7700 with Sean, Jaclyn and Juwon.

Installing new LI-7700
20120117TW_Tower.jpg ( 2012-01-17 11:38:57 ) Full size: 4000x3000
Installing new LI-7700

Installing new LI-7700
20120117TW_TowerTop2.jpg ( 2012-01-17 11:34:46 ) Full size: 4000x3000
Installing new LI-7700

Installing new LI-7700
20120117TW_TowerTop3.jpg ( 2012-01-17 11:35:59 ) Full size: 4000x3000
Installing new LI-7700

Joe working on tower at flooded rice field
TW_plantcam_20120117_1000.jpg ( 2012-01-17 10:00:00 ) Full size: 2560x1920
Joe working on tower at flooded rice field

Beautiful sunset over flooded rice field
TW_autocam_20120118_1845.jpg ( 2012-01-18 18:45:02 ) Full size: 3648x2736
Beautiful sunset over flooded rice field

Some people walking along left edge of the flooded field
TW_autocam_20120118_1045.jpg ( 2012-01-18 10:45:03 ) Full size: 3648x2736
Some people walking along left edge of the flooded field

Graphs display:
6 sets found

12 TW_met graphs found

Explore the graph:Soil Heat Flux in a new window

Explore the graph:Solar Radiation in a new window

Explore the graph:Air Temperature in a new window

Explore the graph:Soil Temperature Set 1 in a new window

Explore the graph:Soil Temperature Set 2 in a new window

Explore the graph:Soil Temperature Set 3 in a new window

Explore the graph:Water Temperature in a new window

Explore the graph:RH and Pressure in a new window

Explore the graph:Soil Moisture in a new window

Explore the graph:Rain and Water Level in a new window

Explore the graph:Disolved Oxygen in a new window

Explore the graph:LED NDVI Channels in a new window

5 TW_flux graphs found

Explore the graph:Sonic Anemometer Winds in a new window

Explore the graph:LI7700 CH4 and RSSI in a new window

Explore the graph:Twitchell CH4 in a new window

Explore the graph:LI7500 CO2 and H2O in a new window

Explore the graph:Twitchel Rice Flux Counts in a new window

Can't check TWSI_mixed
Can't check SIMBTWEE_met
1 TW_cam graphs found

Explore the graph:TW Rice Autocam in a new window

Can't check TATWBABCSB_cam