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<--2022-08-24 09:00:00 | 2022-09-15 09:25:00-->Other sites visited today: West Pond | East End | Mayberry
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Gilbert Tract: 2022-08-30 09:55:00 (DOY 242)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Ari
Summary: Regular data collection/cleaning, cracked white irrigation pipe, removed some underwater vegetation from near ADCP
2022-08-30 Gilbert Tract Ari and I arrived at 9:55 PDT to the channel. It was windy and mild, with a light haze but otherwise sunny and clear. The water level was middling and the tide was ebbing. The staff gauge read 54cm at 9:47 PST. We downloaded data from Flo (the flowmeter) at 8:59 PST. The last data point in the file was at 8:50 but it should've been 8:55 because data is collected every 5 minutes. I had just reset the clock during my last visit 2 weeks ago, so it seems the clock drifts slightly. I also saved a beam check file. I set the clock and restarted data logging. Ari got in the water to pull out some submerged aquatic vegetation. We drove back to the main tower, where I accidentally drove one wheel over the white irrigation pipe by the side of the road. It immediately started spraying water through a few cracks. Ari grabbed the electrical tape and wrapped up the cracks, slowing down the leak considerably. I texted Katie and Armando (River Partners foreman) about it; Armando is on site most days and was able to shut off the water pretty quickly. I downloaded met, cam, and USB GHG data. I changed the eddy clock +30sec from 9:45:00 to 9:45:30. I noticed the eosGP dissolved CO2 data was maxing out, but Ari said it could be realistic data. The wash reservoir was still full since I just topped it off last week. Plenty of ants around the box, but only a few live ants in the met box (and some piles of dead ants). I didn't check the sensor extension box by the boardwalk this time for ants, but we still need to replace that box (one clasp is broken) before it rains. The 7500 read: 390ppm CO2, 780mmol/m3 H2O, 20.6C, 101.4kPa, 106SS – 107 after cleaning The 7700 read: 2.0ppm CH4, 50RSSI – 86 after cleaning We left at 10:50 PDT. |
0 photos found
8 sets found
Can't check MBWPEESWGT_mixed
Can't check MBEEWPSWEPGT_cam
16 GT_met graphs found
4 GT_flux graphs found
3 GT_adcp graphs found
1 GT_cam graphs found
2 GT_usgs graphs found
No data found for GT_chanexo.