Field Notes
<--2014-07-15 10:00:00 | 2014-07-31 10:00:00-->Other sites visited today: Sherman Island | Twitchell Alfalfa | Twitchell Rice | East End | West Pond
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Mayberry: 2014-07-23 10:00:00 (DOY 204)
Author: Sara Knox
Others: Patty, Kathleen
Summary: Summary: Troubleshooting sonic - finally got it working again! Took water samples and serviced DO probe. Data download.
Mayberry 2014-07-23 Portable Tower We arrived at the Low Veg portable tower site at about 10:00 PDT. I checked the data but noticed that the sos was wrong (it was oscillating between 335.0000 and 335.0001 m s-1) (U,V, W also looked bad). Unfortunately it looks like the data was bad as of last week when we moved the tower to the low veg site. Patty and I tried unplugging and re-plugging everything, power cycling, making sure all the connections were tight but nothing seemed to fix it. We eventually called Cove and determined it was a power issue since we couldn’t even connect to it with WIND.exe. We tired many, many things (with Cove’s assistance), but long story short, it turns out the red retainer in the connector was out and pushing it back into place was the solution (we had tried doing that earlier on by squeezing the sides and pushing down, but we weren’t having any luck and thought maybe it was supposed to be like that – I guess with enough fidgeting around we were finally able to push it back in). Anyways, it was all good in the end. We downloaded the flux and met data. In the mean time Kathleen took water samples. Iryna and her field assistant were also at the site taking LAI measurements and Kristin Byrd and her field assistant also stopped by to take fpar measurements. Readings: CO2: 380 ppm H2O: 737 mmol m-3 signal strength = 87.0% t: 22.3 °C p = 102.0 kPa sos = 346 m s-1 after troubleshooting CH4: 1.89 ppm RSSI: 54% (63.4% after cleaning) Permanent Tower Everything seemed good. The cattails near the tower (an potentially elsewhere) were being chewed up by caterpillars. I collected data while Patty cleaned the sensors. Kathleen took was samples and serviced the DO probe. Readings: CO2: 389 ppm H2O: 797 mmol m-3 signal strength: 90.6 (94.9 after cleaning) t: 26.7 °C p = 101.9 kPa sos = 348 m s-1 CH4 = 1.90 ppm RSSI = 41% (66% after cleaning) Met all good Cleaned radiation sensors  |
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