Field Notes
<--2013-06-13 12:15:00 | 2013-06-20 09:40:00-->Other sites visited today: Sherman Island | Mayberry | Twitchell Alfalfa | DWR Corn | West Pond
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Twitchell Rice: 2013-06-18 13:55:00 (DOY 169)
Author: Cove Sturtevant
Summary: Changed time to ETC/GMT +8. Added CO2 signal strength to output, removed Diag #2 from output. Potential problem with DO probe.
Twitchell Rice 2013-06-18 I arrived about 13:55 PDT. It was warm (21.6 C), sunny, and windy. The rice continues to grow steadily. I downloaded the GHG data and changed the time to ETC/GMT +8 at 13:01 PST. See Mayberry notes for explanation. I also added CO2 signal strength to the output and unchecked the Diagnostic Value #2. All towers with the 7550 now record CO2 signal strength and Diagnostic Value #1. 7500 readings: CO2 = 395 ppm (same after cleaning) H2O = 500 mmol m-3 (same after cleaning) signal strength = 78.5 (78.8 after cleaning) t = 22.8 C p = 101.9 kPa sos = 346.4 m s-1 7700 readings: CH4 = 1.84 ppm (same after cleaning) RSSI = 39 (bumped to 74 after cleaning) MET looked good except for the DO probe reading INF. I pulled it out of the water to remove it but then it read 40 in air. I put it back in the water and it declined appropriately. I decided to leave it for Sara to check on Thursday. |
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