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<--2013-06-13 15:45:00 | 2013-06-20 09:40:00-->Other sites visited today: Sherman Island | Mayberry | Twitchell Alfalfa | DWR Corn | Twitchell Rice
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West Pond: 2013-06-18 14:40:00 (DOY 169)
Author: Cove Sturtevant
Summary: Water under tower a bit low. Changed 7550 time to ETC/GMT +8. Added CO2 signal strength to output, removed Diag Value #2 from output. Added another ant bait and left 7550 door open to encourage ants to leave. Knocked down wasp nests.
West Pond 2013-06-18 I arrived around 14:40 PDT. It was sunny, warm (21.6 C), and windy. Water under the tower was a bit low, the CO2 probe about 1 cm out of the water. I forgot to check the inlet on the way out. I downloaded the GHG data and changed the time to ETC/GMT +8 at 13:01 PST. See Mayberry notes for explanation. I also added CO2 signal strength to the output and unchecked the Diagnostic Value #2. All towers with the 7550 now record CO2 signal strength and Diagnostic Value #1. The ant infestation in the 7550 box was the same. Everything still works fine. The ants dont seem very interested in the ant bait I put out last week, so I brought a protein-based ant bait and added it to the box. I taped the box open and removed the cover protecting the electronic boards. Sara will be at the site Thursday to close the box. We decided to leave the box open because every time I have opened the box the ants immediately start moving their eggs behind something. We are hoping that with the box open the ants will decide its not such a great home. I resealed the break in the sealant where they were getting in for when we close the box. After checking all the readings and packing up, I put on all the clothing I had, donned my mosquito net, whittled down a nice branch, knocked off three wasp nests under the upper scaffold walkway, and ran away. Sorry waspies! 7500 readings: CO2 = 396 ppm (401 after cleaning) H2O = 505 mmol m-3 (same after cleaning) signal strength = 86.8% (87.7% after cleaning) t = 22.9 C p = 101.1 kPa sos = 346.6 m s-1 7700 readings: CH4 = 1.87 ppm (same ppm after cleaning) RSSI =29, bumped to 86 after cleaning Reservoir was full. Topped it off. MET looked good. |
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