Equipment and Calibration History

History for Texas Electronics TR-525I-R1 24872-999

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
5478 2021-10-06 Tonzi Calibration Tonzi none Tested with our new method using the peristaltic pump and 237ml of water which should result in 50 tips. 1/2 turn of the screws (CW+, CCW-) should adjust the number of tips by 2-3% (1-1.5 tips). Got 54 tips – I turned the screws two turns CCW
4124 2019-10-24 Tonzi Calibration Tonzi I connected the bucket to a CR23x dripping 475ml of water through the bucket which should result in 100tips. I got 100 tips.
3736 2018-10-17 Tonzi Calibration Tonzi Got 88 of 100 tips - adjusted screws 2.5 turns CW