Equipment and Calibration History

History for Apogee SI-121 1965

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
6879 2024-06-04 Lab none Installed Tonzi Infrared Temperature Grass A Reinstalled at the little tree northeast of the Tower at Tonzi after having been removed to repair massive cable damage from cows. This sensor is pointed at the grass.
6692 2024-04-30 Lab none Repair Lab none I spliced this cable back together where the cow chewed it. The end has a completion resister for the thermistor half bridge. A quick test in the lab window shows it matches the other IRT within 0.5C - as good as you get without a fancier setup.
6683 2024-04-22 Tonzi Infrared Temperature Tree Crown Removed Lab none Removed from the IRT tripod because cows had chewed the wires off.
1806 2015-05-06 Lab none Installed Tonzi Infrared Temperature Tree Crown Installed at Tonzi to the east just north of the road. This sensor is point down on top of a small tree.