Equipment and Calibration History

History for Campbell Sci. CR10X 20139

Rec No.DateLoc FromTitleLoc ToNotes
4999 2020-12-01 Vaira Data Logger Soil CO2 Removed Lab none The battery bank has died and it has been decided to focus on the forced diffusion soil CO2 and Eosense GP profile. The rest of the soil co2 equipment will be removed.
3321 2012-02-16 Lab none Installed Vaira Installed at Vaira with the new soil CO2 system. The system is not running yet because we need longer cables for the Vaisala co2 probes.
1607 2011-07-21 Sherman Island Removed Lab none This silver box was removed from the Sherman Pasture met wiring panel. It was replaced with sn 47253
370 2011-05-27 Lab none Installed Sherman Island The silver data logger module of this CR10X was removed from its wiring panel and was swapped into the wiring panel of the Sherman met set to replace the original data logger that seemed to have been locked up by a bad program.
269 2010-12-09 Tonzi Removed Lab none This data logger was removed with the IRT sensors from Tonzi.
268 1999-10-18 Factory Calibration Factory Calibrated at Campbell Sci.