Field Notes

<--2007-12-27 11:00:00 | 2008-01-24 00:00:00-->
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Tonzi: 2008-01-13 11:00:00 (DOY 13)
Author: Siyan Ma

When: Date: 1/13/2008 , Day: 13 , Watch Time: 11:00 .
Where: Tonzi/Vaira Ranch
Who: Siyan
Weather: partially cloudy, nice cold, foggy on the road
Phenology: Looks wetter. Mr. Tonzi’s pond was half-filled. A lot of cow footprints were seen at Tonzi.
  1. Instant readings from Data logger at Vaira were all zero!!! Met data weren’t downloaded to the PC after Day 10.
  2. EC systems were working well at Tower.
  3. There was a power problem at Floor. The regulator of power shut down the whole EC system. After I turned off the power and re-turned it on, the PC kept reboot itself all the time. Talked to Ted in the field on the phone and he suggested to take the PC back to the lab. (I have talked to Ted about the problem, and he is going to the field to fix the problem.)
  4. Voltage meter of Vaira fence looks broken because the pointer was always on the far right side even though the switch was off.

Vaira_Grass Site
  1. Fence and gate power: >12 v.
  2. Panel and Batteries: 12.2 v; 9.1-15.5 amps; 3.4 amps.
  3. Reading from Gillsonic screen before downloading data. (The value of H2O and CO2 should be in the range of 0 – 5 v.)


Path/File name

D:\Data\V08_013 .flx
D:\Data\VR08 .raw

























  1. downloading data – Yes. However, instant readings from Data logger at Vaira were all zero!!! Met data weren’t downloaded to the PC after Day 10.
  2. check the fans of air temp. and relative humidity sensors at Vaira. OK.
  3. Check MD-9 system connections. OK.
  4. Check levels of Radiation sensors, clear up surfaces. Yes.
  5. Closed gate and set up fence. - Voltage meter of Vaira fence looks broken because the pointer was always on the far right side even though the switch was off.

Tonzi_Tower Site

  1. Fence and gate power: 12 v.
  2. Panel and Batteries: 11.8 v; 0.0 amps; 5.3 amps.
  3. Reading from Gillsonic screen before downloading data. (The value of H2O and CO2 should be in the range of 0 – 5 v.)


Path/File name

D:\Data\T08_013 .flx
D:\Data\TW08 .raw






















  1. downloading data Yes.
  2. check the fans of air temp. and relative humidity sensors on the tower and the floor. Yes.
  3. Check calibration cylinders;

CO2 400 psig; flow 20 psi. (Tank: 422.2 ppm)
N2 400 psig; flow 20 psi.
Manually calibrate Li-800. Following Ted’s instruction: H:\IoneSavanna_2004\Tower_2004\CO2Profile\LI800_Calibration_Procedure_2Nov04.txt
Is the pump running‌ Yes.
How to check the CO2 values‌ Click “Ports/Flags” button to see which ports or flags is setting high. Pressure should be less than ambient value. When Flag 8 is high, it may indicate that RRR’s battery is low.
  1. close gate and set up fence. Yes.

Toniz_Floor Site
  1. Fence and gate power: >12 v.
  2. Panel and Batteries:

First time: 12.4 v; 15.6 amps; Lvd amps. The regulator of power shut down the whole EC system.
After I re-turned on the power, the PC kept reboot itself all the time.
Talked to Ted in the field on the phone and he suggested to take the PC back to the lab.
  1. Close gate and set up fence. Yes.

Field Data

No tank data

No TZ Well data found

No TZ Moisture Point data found

No VR Moisture Point data found

No TZ grass heigth found

No VR grass heigth found

No TZ Tree DBH found

No water potential data found

No TZ Grass Biomass data found

No TZ OakLeaves Biomass data found

No TZ PineNeedles Biomass data found

0 photos found

Graphs display:
16 sets found

No data found for TZ_Fenergy.
11 TZ_tmet graphs found

Explore the graph:Tonzi Tower Met: Temperature and Power in a new window

Explore the graph:Tonzi Tower Met: Solar Radiation in a new window

Explore the graph:Tonzi Tower Met: IRT Sensors in a new window

Explore the graph:LED Sensor Incoming in a new window

Explore the graph:LED Sensor Outgoing in a new window

Explore the graph:4-Band Solar Radiation in a new window

Explore the graph:Air Temperature Profile in a new window

Explore the graph:Relativity Humidity Profile in a new window

Explore the graph:Tonzi Tower PRI in a new window

Explore the graph:SRS PRI/NDVI in a new window

Explore the graph:SRS NDVI in a new window

No data found for TZ_soilco2.
Can't check TZ_mixed
3 TZ_mixed graphs found

Explore the graph:Tonzi PPT in a new window

Explore the graph:Tonzi CO2 and H2O Densities in a new window

Explore the graph:Air Pressure in a new window

No data found for TZ_fflux.
8 TZ_fmet graphs found

Explore the graph:Soil Heat Flux in a new window

Explore the graph:Tonzi Soil Temperature Set A in a new window

Explore the graph:Tonzi Soil Temperatures Set B in a new window

Explore the graph:Tonzi Soil Temperatures Set C in a new window

Explore the graph:Tonzi Soil Temperature Set D in a new window

Explore the graph:Well Level in a new window

Explore the graph:Well Water Temperature in a new window

Explore the graph:Soil Water Potential in a new window

No data found for TZ_tram.
3 TZ_co2prof graphs found

Explore the graph:Tower CO2 Profile Concentrations in a new window

Explore the graph:Tower CO2 Profile Cell Pressure in a new window

Explore the graph:CO2 Profile Sensor Temperature in a new window

No data found for TZ_irt.
1 TZ_windprof graphs found

Explore the graph:Wind Speed Profile in a new window

No data found for TZ_tflux.
2 TZ_sm graphs found

Explore the graph:Floor Solar Radiations in a new window

Explore the graph:TZ Soil Moisture in a new window

Can't check TZ_met
1 TZ_met graphs found

Explore the graph:Floor and Tower RH in a new window

Can't check TZVR_mixed
No data found for TZ_osu.
No data found for TZ_fd.
Tonzi Z-cam data

plot of Tonzi z-cam LAI

plot of Tonzi z-cam gap fration