Field Notes
<--2013-01-17 14:40:00 | 2013-02-14 13:45:00-->Other sites visited today: West Pond | Twitchell Rice | Mayberry | Sherman Island
Phenocam link: Searching...
DWR Corn: 2013-01-30 09:30:00 (DOY 30)
Author: Cove Sturtevant
Others: Laurie
Summary: Hoards of geese. Swapped out LI-7500 s/n 0042 for calibrated 0073. All generally well.
DWR Corn
2013-01-30 Laurie and I arrived around 09:30 PST. It was sunny and cool (~10 °C) with a mild breeze. The field remains wet, with patchy standing water mostly in the north of the field. There were TONS of geese when we arrived which all took off at once in a mass birdy cloud. Sorry, no pictures. Then for the remainder of our time at the field they circled at high altitude squawking for us to leave so they could get back to the synchronized yoga they were doing before we arrived. Laurie did spectral while I downloaded data, then we both swapped out the LI-7500 with a calibrated one, removing box and head s/n 0042 and installing s/n 0073. The autocam was off when I pulled the card, but there were 312 pics on the card. I also cleaned the radiation instruments, where were pretty fouled with bird doodoo. 7500 readings prior to swap (s/n 0042): CO2: 19.38 mmol m-3 H2O: 340 mmol m-3 (bumped to 420 after cleaning) diag: 248 (247 after cleaning) p = 102.95 kPa sos = 338 m s-1 7500 readings after swap (s/n 0073): CO2: 19.3 mmol m-3 H2O: 370 mmol m-3 diag: 249 (I double checked that the window was clean at this higher agc) MET was good. |
0 photos found
3 sets found
Can't check DC_mixed
3 DC_mixed graphs found
7 DC_met graphs found
3 DC_flux graphs found