Field Notes
<--2012-08-23 14:30:00 | 2012-09-06 13:00:00-->Other sites visited today: Sherman Island | Twitchell Rice | DWR Corn | Twitchell Rice | Mayberry
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West Pond: 2012-08-30 11:45:00 (DOY 243)
Author: Jaclyn Hatala
Others: Joe, Emily Gilson
Summary: power cable to tower cut by mower, pulled DO sensors for lab testing
We arrived at the West Pond tower around 11:45 local time, and it was getting warmer (30C) with still winds. Upon arrival, we noticed that the tower had no power and realized that they had cut the power cable from the panels to the tower during mowing.
Joe shut the load off the panels (courageously breaking through a waist-deep mat of plant detritus) and reconnected the power cable with wire nuts. Power is back up at the site, and it looks like the mowed at 7am on 8/29, so we didn't loose much data. As at the Twitchell rice, we tried to trouble-shoot the sonic readings to no avail. We took a photo of the pins, but comparison back in the lab showed a match. On the LI-7700, RSSI was 20 and after cleaning was up to 82. The DO sensors were giving bizzarre values (one was 0.07, the other 1.86) so we pulled them for testing back in the lab. CH4 = 2.1 ppm -> 2.17 ppm after cleaning CO2 = 382 ppm H2O = 650 mmol/m3 SOS = 352 m/s [Joe] We collected data but forgot to download the met data. I cleaned the radiometers. |
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