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Eden Landing: 2024-12-03 11:00:00 (DOY 338)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Patty, Inbar
Summary: High tide, DIC/DOC samples, data collection at LF station and tower, changed EXO from RS-232 to SDI-12 comms on CR6, changed EL_LF data table from 15min to 30min, could not connect to ADCP, EXO adapter still losing power intermittently
2024-12-03 Eden Landing Patty, Inbar, and I arrived around 11:00 PST. It was a sunny, calm, and mild day. The tide was coming in. Patty and Inbar took one DIC and one DOC sample from the little pier jutting out into the channel. The DIC samples are collected in a glass brown beer bottle and preserved with mercuric chloride. After the bottles are capped, they are shelf stable for apparently forever. Mercuric chloride is highly toxic so Patty does the poisoning and doesn't let students do it. The DOC water is sampled with a syringe and filtered before being stored in a 30ml glass vial with septa. Inbar preserved these with HCl back in the lab at the end of the day. Ideally these samples should be taken at the same depth as the fDOM measurements. Maybe we can have some sort of telescoping grabber that can let us sample at the same depth as the EXO. They take these samples monthly? and quarterly? take half-hourly? samples over 6 hours to catch a range of measurements. The idea is to measure a wide range of DIC/DOC over a year to best calibrate the fDOM numbers. I connected to the EXO through the Signal Output Adapter and started downloading data. It's a slow process and looked like it would take more than an hour to download 3 weeks of 1-min?? data. We ended up leaving my laptop connected to the EXO (and their Jackery portable power source), locked in the enclosure, and went on to the tower. The portable power source was sitting next to the enclosure (too big to fit inside) so Inbar covered it with her jacket. We parked by the storage shed and walked to the tower. Inbar and Patty downloaded GHG and met data and cleaned the sensors. We didn't have a measuring tape so measured the manual water level with a stick. I think we have a spare staff gauge (from WP) that they can use. Patty noted the conduit for the phenocam power needs to be replaced. We got back to the channel around 12:50 PST. The water surface was starting to look ruffled from a slight breeze. It was near high tide. The EXO data had finished downloading, and I copied it over to Inbar on a USB stick. Inbar said the EXO is due for calibration (some of the sensors have red/orange QAQC scores). I rewired the EXO from serial to SDI-12 communication through the Signal Output Adapter. Inbar and I updated the EXO SDI-12 settings through Kor to make sure the SDI-12 address was correct and the SDI-12 output had the correct outputs and units. The EXO logging interval is every 5min and it wipes once per sample. The CR6 scans the EXO through SDI-12 every 1 minute, then saves the 30min averages. Even though the 1min data will have replicates, I think the average should still be mathematically identical since every "1min" data should be replicated 5 times. The 5min data is still internally logged on the EXO itself. There still seems to be an issue with the SOA losing power. I checked all of the wires in the pluggable terminals but they seemed fine. Cycling the EXO power resolves it but only temporarily. Most of their EXO data seemed complete though, so I don't know how often it happens. I added a DisVar to the CR6 program so that any NAN is ignored in the 30min average. I don't know what the issue is. Maybe we can try our spare SOA? I uploaded a new datalogger program to the lateral flux station CR6. Main changes: - Changed EXO from serial to SDI-12 - Saved EXO as 30min table - Changed EL_LF_Data table from 15min to 30min - Removed Suna code - Changed water level from ft to m - When the datalogger read 14:04, I changed it to 13:04 PST to match my laptop time. I don’t know when the datalogger was synched to PDT. We’ll have to be careful to offset the data by one hour. We started working on the ADCP. I tried connecting using my laptop with both ViewArgonaut and SonUtils, but I got the same "failed" message as Inbar. I confirmed the ADCP was receiving ~14V and checked that it was pulling ~0.4A. So it should be working, but we can't talked to it. I also added a ground wire from the serial adapter (pin 5) to the datalogger (G), but ADCP data did not magically show up via LoggerNet. The current serial adapter looked fine so I did not try our adapter. We could maybe try rewiring it to SDI-12 to the datalogger and updating the program for SDI-12 data, but there might also be an internal setting/mode I need to set in the ADCP. There’s a grey wire with a white plastic clip connector and two other wires with a round black plastic connector (one with 2 pins and one with 5/6? pins). Kyle N from USGS offered to zoom with us to help troubleshoot the ADCP through LoggerNet, so Patty will try to set up something in January. EXO, water level and CO2 data seemed reasonable before we left. Still not sure what's wrong with the ADCP. At one point I knocked out the black power wire from the Campbell water level sensor to the spade terminal. We didn't have any spare terminals so I stripped the wire back and smashed it underneath the screw terminal. Overall this box and the program could still be cleaned up. I don’t love those black screw terminals that require a spade terminal. The datalogger program was still calling ports for "SondePump" and "UVLamp" but there was nothing wired to those ports on the datalogger. We left probably around 3:30 PST. Back at the lab, I checked on Patty's LI-7700. The fuse looked fine: solid and had connectivity through it. The resistance matched the resistance of a brand-new fuse (very low). I also opened the bottom plate and the checked the power connectors. Those looked fine too. Patty will send it back to Licor. |
1 photos found
20241203EL_PattyInbar.jpg ( 2024-12-03 12:39:10 ) Full size: 1920x1440
Patty and Inbar taking porewater samples at the boardwalk next to the Eden Landing tower
1 sets found
12 EL_met graphs found