Field Notes

<--2022-04-26 12:05:00 | 2022-05-26 17:30:00-->
Other sites visited today: Gilbert Tract | Mayberry | West Pond
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East End: 2022-05-12 15:20:00 (DOY 132)
Author: Daphne Szutu
Others: Carlos

Summary: Regular data collection/cleaning, cut 7700 power cable--fixed temporarily, cleaned picam window

East End

Carlos and I arrived at 15:20 PDT. It’s been about 3 weeks since the last site visit. It was warm, windy, and mostly clear. The tules are tall and green and most have flowers. The cattails are also starting to get tall. The staff gauge read 61cm.

I accidentally cut the 7700 power cable while trimming the plants around the tower. I fixed it temporarily with a 4-pin screw terminal. It needs a replacement power cable next time.

I trained Carlos on downloading the data while I cleaned flux and rad sensors. He downloaded met, cam, and USB GHG data. He downloaded miniDOT data and I swapped the desiccant for the miniDOT and water level sensors. The wash reservoir was 90% full, refilled.

I opened the picam enclosure because there were was a spot in the middle of some photos last time. The enclosure seal is getting old and I had a hard time stuffing it back into its place. I knocked off one offset from the camera board when unscrewing the teeny tiny screws. After cleaning, I checked the camera website again to confirm the field of view was about the same as before.

LI-7500 readings: CO2 426ppm, H2O 334ppm, T 21.9C, P 102.3kPa, SS 94--> 98 after cleaning
LI7700 readings: CH4 2.0 ppm, RSSI 83 after cleaning

We left at 16:45 PDT.

1 photos found

7700 power cable temporarily repaired with a screw terminal
20220512EE_CableRepair.jpg ( 2022-05-12 16:44:13 ) Full size: 1440x1920
7700 power cable temporarily repaired with a screw terminal

Graphs display:
11 sets found

14 EE_met graphs found

Explore the graph:Temperature and Batt V in a new window

Explore the graph:Soil Moisture and Well Pressure in a new window

Explore the graph:Solar Radiation in a new window

Explore the graph:PAR in a new window

Explore the graph:Soil Heat Flux in a new window

Explore the graph:Water Level and Rain in a new window

Explore the graph:Soil/Water Temperature Set 1 in a new window

Explore the graph:Soil/Water Temperature Set 2 in a new window

Explore the graph:Soil/Water Temperature Set 3 in a new window

Explore the graph:Dissolved Oxygen and Wind Speed in a new window

Explore the graph:SRS NDVI Channels in a new window

Explore the graph:Apogee NDVI in a new window

Explore the graph:NDVI in a new window

Explore the graph:Undercanopy PAR in a new window

Can't check EE_mixed
1 EE_mixed graphs found

Explore the graph:Air Pressure and RH in a new window

8 EE_flux graphs found

Explore the graph:Wind Speeds in a new window

Explore the graph:LI7500 CO2 and H2O in a new window

Explore the graph:LI7700 CH4 and RSSI in a new window

Explore the graph:Flux Counts in a new window

Explore the graph:Instument Temperatures in a new window

Explore the graph:Temp Tower 3 (Mixed Veg) in a new window

Explore the graph:Temp Tower 3 (Mixed Veg) in a new window

Explore the graph:Temp Tower 3 (Mixed Veg) in a new window

Can't check MBWPEESWGT_mixed
1 EE_cam graphs found

Explore the graph:EE Autocam GCC in a new window

Can't check MBEEWPSWEPGT_cam
Can't check SIMBTWEE_met
Can't check EE_Temp
5 EE_Temp graphs found

Explore the graph:Sonic SOS in a new window

Explore the graph:LI7500 CO2 in a new window

Explore the graph:Water Level in a new window

Explore the graph:LI-7700 CH4 in a new window

Explore the graph:Wind Speed in a new window

Can't check EE_minidot
1 EE_minidot graphs found

Explore the graph:EE miniDOT Dissolved Oxygen in a new window

1 EE_processed graphs found

Explore the graph:CO2 Fluxes in a new window